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mixer(8) [freebsd man page]

MIXER(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						  MIXER(8)

mixer -- set/display soundcard mixer values SYNOPSIS
mixer [-f device] [-s | -S] [dev [[+|-]lvol[:[+|-]rvol]]] ... mixer [-f device] [-s | -S] recsrc ... mixer [-f device] [-s | -S] {^|+|-|=}rec rdev ... DESCRIPTION
The mixer utility is used to set and display soundcard mixer device levels. It may also be used to start and stop recording from the sound- card. The list of mixer devices that may be modified are: vol, bass, treble, synth, pcm, speaker, line, mic, cd, mix, pcm2, rec, igain, ogain, line1, line2, line3, dig1, dig2, dig3, phin, phout, video, radio, and monitor. Not all mixer devices are available. Without any arguments, mixer displays the current settings for all supported devices, followed by information about the current recording input devices. If the dev argument is specified, mixer displays only the value for that dev. To modify the mixer value dev, the optional left and right channel settings of lvol[:rvol] may be specified. The lvol and rvol arguments may be from 0 - 100. Omitting dev and including only the channel settings will change the main volume level. If the left or right channel settings are prefixed with + or -, the value following will be used as a relative adjustment, modifying the cur- rent settings by the amount specified. If the -s flag is used, the current mixer values will be displayed in a format suitable for use as the command-line arguments to a future invocation of mixer (as above). The -S flag provides the above output without mixing field separators. To change the recording device you use one of: ^rec toggles rdev of possible recording devices +rec adds rdev to possible recording devices -rec removes rdev from possible recording devices =rec sets the recording device to rdev The above commands work on an internal mask. After all the options have been parsed, it will set then read the mask from the sound card. This will let you see EXACTLY what the soundcard is using for the recording device(s). The option recsrc will display the current recording devices. The option -f device will open device as the mixer device. FILES
/dev/mixer the default mixer device SEE ALSO
cdcontrol(1), sound(4) HISTORY
The mixer utility first appeared in FreeBSD 2.0.5. AUTHORS
Original source by Craig Metz <> and Hannu Savolainen. Mostly rewritten by John-Mark Gurney <>. This manual page was written by Mike Pritchard <>. BSD
June 2, 2014 BSD

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rexima(1)							  Audio Utilities							 rexima(1)

rexima - a curses-based (and command-line) mixer SYNOPSIS
rexima [-hv] [-d mixer_device_file] [device <level | offset | left,right | rec | norec> [device ...]] DESCRIPTION
rexima is an interactive mixer which can also be used from the command-line. It lets you alter levels of all devices, and to set which are recording sources. It should work on any terminal with at least an 80x24 screen. Before we go any further, a quick definition: A device is either an overall control (such as `bass'), or an input to the mixer (such as `pcm'), which can be adjusted to alter the over- all mixed result output by the soundcard. I use "mixer device file" to refer to /dev/mixer and the like. OPTIONS
-d specify the mixer device file to be used. The default is to use the usual /dev/mixer. -h give terse usage help, and also list devices whose settings can be altered. Which devices are supported will depend upon which soundcard is installed and/or which mixer is being used. -v show current mixer settings. Stereo devices have separate left/right values shown. `[ ]' means the device can be recorded from but that recording from it is disabled; `[R]' means it can be recorded from and is enabled. device device to alter settings of. level volume level to set device to. offset amount by which to adjust level. For example, `-3' or `+12'. (Using just `-' or `+' gives an adjustment of 2 in the specified direc- tion.) left,right volume level to set device to, with independent left/right values. This only works properly with stereo devices, of course. With mono devices, the left value alone is used. rec and norec enable/disable whether device is currently acting as a recording source. KEYS
rexima supports cursor keys if your terminal does, and if it was compiled with ncurses (usually the case). Other than the cursors, the keys are: k move cursor up. j move cursor down. h decrease level by 2% of maximum (same as cursor left). l increase level by 2% of maximum (same as cursor right). H decrease level by 1% of maximum. L increase level by 1% of maximum. 1-9 set level of current device to 10%, 20%, .. 90% of maximum (according to the key pressed). Space toggle whether device is a recording source or not. ^L or ^R redisplay screen. Esc, x, q exit rexima. SCREEN CONVENTIONS
While the layout of the screen of a mixer program is mostly obvious - how many ways are there to display a series of `sliders'? - some details need explanation. While the sound driver supports many separate devices, each having their own level, usually not all are supported by any given soundcard. In rexima, unsupported devices are not shown. Some devices can act as recording sources, such that signals from them are readable via the card's sampling hardware. Devices this is pos- sible for have `[ ]' to the right of the percentage display. An `R' will appear between the square brackets if the device is acting as a recording source. This state can be toggled by pressing space. EXAMPLE COMMAND-LINE USAGE Since the synopsis above looks confusing, it seems sensible to give some examples. So, here are two lines I use on startup: rexima line rec mic rec cd rec igain 100 ogain 0 This makes line-in, mic, and CD input recordable, sets input gain to maximum and output gain to minimum. (Believe it or not, these gain settings are actually pretty sensible on an SB16.) rexima bass 85 treble 100 vol 50 speaker 0 mic 0 This is pretty self-explanatory. Note that these could have been combined into one (admittedly unwieldy) invocation of rexima. BUGS
You can't set left/right channels independently when using rexima interactively. It doesn't use colour, graphics chars etc. I consider this a feature, as the screen draws more quickly and the interface is consistent across all terminals, but others may consider it a bug. SEE ALSO
aumix(1) AUTHOR
Russell Marks ( Version 1.4 30th June, 2003 rexima(1)
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