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filemon(4) [freebsd man page]

FILEMON(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						FILEMON(4)

filemon -- the filemon device SYNOPSIS
#include <dev/filemon/filemon.h> DESCRIPTION
The filemon device allows a process to collect file operations data of its children. The device /dev/filemon responds to two ioctl(2) calls. System calls are denoted using the following single letters: 'C' chdir(2) 'D' unlink(2) 'E' exec(2) 'F' fork(2), vfork(2) 'L' link(2), linkat(2), symlink(2), symlinkat(2) 'M' rename(2) 'R' open(2) for read 'S' stat(2) 'W' open(2) for write 'X' _exit(2) Note that 'R' following 'W' records can represent a single open(2) for R/W, or two separate open(2) calls, one for 'R' and one for 'W'. Note that only successful system calls are captured. IOCTLS
User mode programs communicate with the filemon driver through a number of ioctls which are described below. Each takes a single argument. FILEMON_SET_FD Write the internal tracing buffer to the supplied open file descriptor. FILEMON_SET_PID Child process ID to trace. RETURN VALUES
The ioctl() function returns the value 0 if successful; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. FILES
/dev/filemon EXAMPLES
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <dev/filemon/filemon.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <err.h> #include <unistd.h> static void open_filemon(void) { pid_t child; int fm_fd, fm_log; if ((fm_fd = open("/dev/filemon", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC)) == -1) err(1, "open("/dev/filemon", O_RDWR)"); if ((fm_log = open("filemon.out", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, DEFFILEMODE)) == -1) err(1, "open(filemon.out)"); if (ioctl(fm_fd, FILEMON_SET_FD, &fm_log) == -1) err(1, "Cannot set filemon log file descriptor"); if ((child = fork()) == 0) { child = getpid(); if (ioctl(fm_fd, FILEMON_SET_PID, &child) == -1) err(1, "Cannot set filemon PID"); /* Do something here. */ } else { wait(&child); close(fm_fd); } } Creates a file named filemon.out and configures the filemon device to write the filemon buffer contents to it. SEE ALSO
dtrace(1), ktrace(1), script(1), truss(1), ioctl(2) HISTORY
A filemon device appeared in FreeBSD 9.1. BSD
June 14, 2013 BSD

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SNP(4)                                                     BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual                                                     SNP(4)

snp -- tty snoop interface SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/snoop.h> int ioctl(fd, SNPSTTY, &dev); int ioctl(fd, SNPGTTY, &dev); int ioctl(fd, FIONREAD, &result); DESCRIPTION
/dev/snp is a snoop device which allows users to attach to any tty and watch activities on it. The kernel must be compiled with device snp, or the snp module must be loaded, for these devices to be available. To associate a given snp device with a tty to be observed, open the snp device and a tty device, and then issue the SNPSTTY ioctl on snp device. The argument passed to the ioctl(2) is the address of a variable of type int, holding the file descriptor of a tty device. To detach the snp device from a tty use a pointer to a value of -1. The SNPGTTY ioctl returns information about the current tty attached to the open snp device. The FIONREAD ioctl returns a positive value equal to the number of characters in a read buffer. Special values defined are: SNP_OFLOW device overflow occurred, device detached. SNP_TTYCLOSE tty not attached. SNP_DETACH snp device has been detached by user or tty device has been closed and detached. SEE ALSO
pty(4), sio(4), kldload(8), watch(8) HISTORY
The snp device first appeared in FreeBSD 2.1. In FreeBSD 8.0 the snp driver was rewritten to work with the replaced TTY subsystem. AUTHORS
The author of the current implementation is Ed Schouten <>. Previous versions of snp were based on code written by Ugen J.S. Antsilevich <>. BUGS
This version of snp does not return proper error codes when calling FIONREAD. It also does not allow SNPSTTY to detach itself from the TTY. BSD November 5, 2008 BSD
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