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_exit(2) [freebsd man page]

EXIT(2) 						      BSD System Calls Manual							   EXIT(2)

_exit -- terminate the calling process LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> void _exit(int status); DESCRIPTION
The _exit() system call terminates a process with the following consequences: o All of the descriptors open in the calling process are closed. This may entail delays, for example, waiting for output to drain; a process in this state may not be killed, as it is already dying. o If the parent process of the calling process has an outstanding wait(2) call or catches the SIGCHLD signal, it is notified of the calling process's termination and the status is set as defined by wait(2). o The parent process-ID of all of the calling process's existing child processes are set to 1; the initialization process inherits each of these processes (see init(8) and the DEFINITIONS section of intro(2)). o If the termination of the process causes any process group to become orphaned (usually because the parents of all members of the group have now exited; see ``orphaned process group'' in intro(2)), and if any member of the orphaned group is stopped, the SIGHUP signal and the SIGCONT signal are sent to all members of the newly-orphaned process group. o If the process is a controlling process (see intro(2)), the SIGHUP signal is sent to the foreground process group of the controlling ter- minal, and all current access to the controlling terminal is revoked. Most C programs call the library routine exit(3), which flushes buffers, closes streams, unlinks temporary files, etc., before calling _exit(). RETURN VALUES
The _exit() system call can never return. SEE ALSO
fork(2), sigaction(2), wait(2), exit(3), init(8) STANDARDS
The _exit() system call is expected to conform to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 (``POSIX.1''). HISTORY
The _exit() function appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX. BSD
June 4, 1993 BSD

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exit(2) 							System Calls Manual							   exit(2)

       _exit - terminate a process

       #include <stdlib.h>
       void _exit(status)
       int status;

       The function, terminates a calling process with the following consequences:

       o    All of the file descriptors open in the calling process are closed.

       o    If	the  parent  process  of  the calling process is executing a it is notified of the calling process's termination and the low-order
	    eight bits of status are made available to it.  For further information, see

       o    The parent process ID of all of the calling process's existing child processes and zombie processes are also set  to  1.   This  means
	    that the initialization process inherits each of these processes as well.  For further information, see

       o    Each  attached  shared memory segment is detached and the value of shm_nattach in the data structure associated with its shared memory
	    identifier is decremented by 1.

       o    For each semaphore for which the calling process has set a semadj value, (see ) that semadj value is added to the semval of the speci-
	    fied semaphore.

       o    If the process has a process, text, or data lock, an unlock is performed.

       o    An accounting record is written on the accounting file if the system's accounting routine is enabled. For more information, see

       Calling	directly  circumvents  all  cleanup.   Most C programs call the library routine which performs cleanup actions in the standard I/O
       library before calling

   POSIX, System V
       The function differs from the System V as well as POSIX definition in that even if the calling process  is  a  process  group  leader,  the
       SIGHUP signal is not sent to each process that has a process group ID equal to that of the calling process.

       The function also differs in that the routine is declared as type int instead of type void.

See Also
       fork(2), wait(2), exit(3), signal(3).

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