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iscsi_initiator(4) [freebsd man page]

ISCSI_INITIATOR(4)					   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 					ISCSI_INITIATOR(4)

iscsi_initiator -- kernel driver for the iSCSI protocol SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device iscsi_initiator Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): iscsi_initiator_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
This driver, along with its userspace counterpart iscontrol(8), is obsolete. Users are advised to use iscsi(4) instead. The iscsi_initiator implements the kernel side of the Internet SCSI (iSCSI) network protocol standard, the user land companion is iscontrol(8), and permits access to remote virtual SCSI devices via cam(4). SYSCTL VARIABLES
debug.iscsi_initiator set the debug-level, 0 means no debugging, 9 for maximum. net.iscsi.isid the initiator part of the Session Identifier. allow search above LUN 7 for SCSI3 and greater devices. the following are informative only: net.iscsi.driver_version the current version of the driver. net.iscsi.sessions the number of current active sessions. net.iscsi.n.targetname is the targe name of session n. net.iscsi.n.targeaddress is the IP address of the target of session n. net.iscsi.n.stats are some statistics for session n is the process id of the userland side of session n, see iscontrol(8). FILES
The iscsi_initiator driver creates the following: /dev/iscsi used to create new sessions. /dev/iscsi%d for each new session. SEE ALSO
cam(4), camcontrol(8), iscontrol(8) STANDARDS
This software was written by Daniel Braniss <> BUGS
The lun discovery method is old-fashioned. BSD
October 9, 2014 BSD

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ISCONTROL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					      ISCONTROL(8)

iscontrol -- login/negotiator/control for an iSCSI initiator session SYNOPSIS
iscontrol [-dv] [-c file [-n nickname]] [-p pidfile] [-t target] [variable=value] DESCRIPTION
This command, along with its kernel counterpart iscsi_initiator(4), is obsolete. Users are advised to use iscsictl(8) instead. Internet SCSI (iSCSI) is a network protocol standard, that allows the use of the SCSI protocol over TCP/IP networks, the iscontrol program is the userland side of an iSCSI session, see iscsi_initiator(4). It has 2 modes of operation, if -d (discovery session) is specified, it will print out the target names returned by the target and exit. In the second mode, it will, after a successful login/negotiation, run in daemon mode, monitoring the connection, and will try to reconnect in case of a network/target failure. It will terminate/logout the session when a SIGHUP signal is received. The flags are as follows: -c file a file containing configuration key-options, see iscsi.conf(5). -d do a discovery session and exit. -n nickname if -c file is specified, then search for the block named nickname in that file, see iscsi.conf(5). -p pidfile will write the process ID of the session to the specified pidfile -t target the target's IP address or name. -v verbose mode. variable=value see iscsi.conf(5) for the complete list of variables/options and their possible values. EXAMPLES
iscontrol -dt myiscsitarget will start a discovery session with the target and print to stdout the list of available targetnames/targetadresses. Note: this listing does not necessarily mean availability, since depending on the target configuration, a discovery session might not need login/access permission, but a full session certainly does. iscontrol -c /etc/iscsi.conf -n myiscsi will read options from /etc/iscsi.conf, use the targetaddress found in the block nicknamed myiscsi, login and negotiate whatever options are specified, and start an iscsi-session. SEE ALSO
da(4), iscsi_initiator(4), sa(4), iscsi.conf(5), camcontrol(8), iscsictl(8) STANDARDS
iscontrol should probably load the iscsi_initiator module if needed. Not all functions/specifications have been implemented yet, noticeably missing are the Task Management Functions. The error recovery, though not fully compliant does a brave effort to recover from network disconnects. BSD
October 9, 2014 BSD
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