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newlocale(3) [freebsd man page]

NEWLOCALE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					      NEWLOCALE(3)

newlocale -- Creates a new locale LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <xlocale> locale_t newlocale(int mask, const char * locale, locale_t base); DESCRIPTION
Creates a new locale, inheriting some properties from an existing locale. The mask defines the components that the new locale will have set to the locale with the name specified in the locale parameter. Any other components will be inherited from base. The mask is either LC_ALL_MASK, indicating all possible locale components, or the logical OR of some combination of the following: LC_COLLATE_MASK The locale for string collation routines. This controls alphabetic ordering in strcoll(3) and strxfrm(3). LC_CTYPE_MASK The locale for the ctype(3) and multibyte(3) functions. This controls recognition of upper and lower case, alpha- betic or non-alphabetic characters, and so on. LC_MESSAGES_MASK Set a locale for message catalogs, see catopen(3) function. LC_MONETARY_MASK Set a locale for formatting monetary values; this affects the localeconv(3) function. LC_NUMERIC_MASK Set a locale for formatting numbers. This controls the formatting of decimal points in input and output of floating point numbers in functions such as printf(3) and scanf(3), as well as values returned by localeconv(3). LC_TIME_MASK Set a locale for formatting dates and times using the strftime(3) function. This function uses the same rules for loading locale components as setlocale(3). RETURN VALUES
Returns a new, valid, locale_t or NULL if an error occurs. You must free the returned locale with freelocale(3). SEE ALSO
duplocale(3), freelocale(3), localeconv(3), querylocale(3), uselocale(3), xlocale(3) STANDARDS
This function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (``POSIX.1''). BSD
September 17, 2011 BSD

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USELOCALE(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual						      USELOCALE(3)

uselocale - set/get the locale for the calling thread SYNOPSIS
#include <locale.h> locale_t uselocale(locale_t newloc); Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)): uselocale(): Since glibc 2.10: _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 700 Before glibc 2.10: _GNU_SOURCE DESCRIPTION
The uselocale() function sets the current locale for the calling thread, and returns the thread's previously current locale. After a suc- cessful call to uselocale(), any calls by this thread to functions that depend on the locale will operate as though the locale has been set to newloc. The newloc argument can have one of the following values: A handle returned by a call to newlocale(3) or duplocale(3) The calling thread's current locale is set to the specified locale. The special locale object handle LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE The calling thread's current locale is set to the global locale determined by setlocale(3). (locale_t) 0 The calling thread's current locale is left unchanged (and the current locale is returned as the function result). RETURN VALUE
On success, uselocale() returns the locale handle that was set by the previous call to uselocale() in this thread, or LC_GLOBAL_HANDLE if there was no such previous call. On error, it returns (locale_t) 0, and sets errno to indicate the cause of the error. ERRORS
EINVAL newloc does not refer to a valid locale object. VERSIONS
The uselocale() function first appeared in version 2.3 of the GNU C library. CONFORMING TO
Unlike setlocale(3), uselocale() does not allow selective replacement of individual locale categories. To employ a locale that differs in only a few categories from the current locale, use calls to duplocale(3) and newlocale(3) to obtain a locale object equivalent to the cur- rent locale and modify the desired categories in that object. EXAMPLE
See newlocale(3) and duplocale(3). SEE ALSO
locale(1), duplocale(3), freelocale(3), newlocale(3), setlocale(3), locale(5), locale(7) Linux 2014-03-10 USELOCALE(3)
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