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dwarf_linebeginstatement(3) [freebsd man page]

DWARF_LINENO(3) 					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					   DWARF_LINENO(3)

dwarf_lineaddr, dwarf_linebeginstatement, dwarf_lineblock, dwarf_lineendsequence, dwarf_lineno, dwarf_lineoff, dwarf_linesrc, dwarf_line_srcfileno -- retrieve information associated with a DWARF line descriptor LIBRARY
DWARF Access Library (libdwarf, -ldwarf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libdwarf.h> int dwarf_lineaddr(Dwarf_Line ln, Dwarf_Addr *ret, Dwarf_Error *err); int dwarf_linebeginstatement(Dwarf_Line ln, Dwarf_Bool *ret, Dwarf_Error *err); int dwarf_lineblock(Dwarf_Line ln, Dwarf_Bool *ret, Dwarf_Error *err); int dwarf_lineendsequence(Dwarf_Line ln, Dwarf_Bool *ret, Dwarf_Error *err); int dwarf_lineno(Dwarf_Line ln, Dwarf_Unsigned *ret, Dwarf_Error *err); int dwarf_lineoff(Dwarf_Line ln, Dwarf_Signed *ret, Dwarf_Error *err); int dwarf_linesrc(Dwarf_Line ln, char **ret, Dwarf_Error *err); int dwarf_line_srcfileno(Dwarf_Line ln, Dwarf_Unsigned *ret, Dwarf_Error *err); DESCRIPTION
These functions retrieve specific line information associated with the line descriptor specified by argument ln, and stores it in the loca- tion pointed to by argument ret. If argument err is not NULL, it will be used to store error information in case of an error. Function dwarf_lineaddr() stores the program address corresponding to the source line specified in argument ln into the location pointed to by argument ret. Function dwarf_linebeginstatement() sets the location pointed to by argument ret to 1 if the source line specified by the line descriptor ln is the beginning of a statement, or to 0 otherwise. Function dwarf_lineblock() sets the location pointed to by argument ret to 1 if the source line specified by the line descriptor ln is the beginning of a basic block, or to 0 otherwise. Function dwarf_lineendsequence() sets the location pointed to by argument ret to 1 if the program address associated with the line descriptor ln is the address immediately following the end of a sequence of target machine instructions, or to 0 otherwise. Function dwarf_lineno() stores the line number of the source line associated with the line descriptor ln into the location pointed to by argument ret. Function dwarf_lineoff() stores the column number within a line associated with descriptor ln into the location pointed to by argument ret. The retrieved column numbers are 1-based, with the value -1 indicating that column number information was not available. Function dwarf_linesrc() stores a pointer to a NUL-terminated string containing the source file name associated with line descriptor ln into the location pointed to by argument ret. The full path of the source file is returned if possible. The memory used for the source file name string is managed by the DWARF(3) library and should not be directly freed by application code. Instead, portable code should use dwarf_dealloc(3) to indicate that the string should be freed. Function dwarf_line_srcfileno() stores the index of the source file associated with the line descriptor ln in the location pointed to by argument ret. The returned value is 1-based index into the array of source file names returned by dwarf_srcfiles(3). RETURN VALUES
On success, these functions returns DW_DLV_OK. In case of an error, they return DW_DLV_ERROR and set the argument err. ERRORS
These functions may fail with the following errors: [DW_DLE_ARGUMENT] Either of the arguments ln or ret was NULL. [DW_DLE_LINE_FILE_NUM_BAD] The source file name associated with the line descriptor ln could not be retrieved by function dwarf_linesrc(). SEE ALSO
dwarf(3), dwarf_dealloc(3), dwarf_srcfiles(3), dwarf_srclines(3) BSD
February 5, 2011 BSD

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DWARF_SRCLINES(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					 DWARF_SRCLINES(3)

dwarf_srclines -- retrieve line number information for a debugging information entry LIBRARY
DWARF Access Library (libdwarf, -ldwarf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libdwarf.h> int dwarf_srclines(Dwarf_Die die, Dwarf_Line **lines, Dwarf_Signed *nlines, Dwarf_Error *err); DESCRIPTION
Function dwarf_srclines() returns line number information associated with a compilation unit. Line number information is returned as an array of Dwarf_Line descriptors. Argument die should reference a DWARF debugging information entry descriptor with line number information, see dwarf(3). Argument lines should point to a location that will hold a pointer to the returned array of Dwarf_Line descriptors. Argument nlines should point to a loca- tion that will hold the number of descriptors returned. If argument err is not NULL, it will be used to store error information in case of an error. The returned Dwarf_Line descriptors may be passed to the other line number functions in the API set to retrieve specific information about each source line. Memory Management The memory area used for the array of Dwarf_Line descriptors returned in argument lines is owned by the DWARF Access Library (libdwarf, -ldwarf). The application should not attempt to free this pointer. Portable code should instead use dwarf_srclines_dealloc() to indicate that the memory may be freed. RETURN VALUES
Function dwarf_srclines() returns DW_DLV_OK when it succeeds. In case of an error, it returns DW_DLV_ERROR and sets the argument err. ERRORS
Function dwarf_srclines() can fail with: [DW_DLE_ARGUMENT] One of the arguments die, lines or nlines was NULL. [DW_DLE_NO_ENTRY] The compilation unit referenced by argument die does not have associated line number information. [DW_DLE_MEMORY] An out of memory condition was encountered during the execution of this function. EXAMPLE
To obtain an array of Dwarf_Line descriptors and to retrieve the source file, line number, and virtual address associated with each descrip- tor: int n; Dwarf_Die die; Dwarf_Error de; char *filename; Dwarf_Line *lines; Dwarf_Signed nlines; Dwarf_Addr lineaddr; Dwarf_Unsigned lineno; /* variable "die" should reference a DIE for a compilation unit */ if (dwarf_srclines(die, &lines, &nlines, &de) != DW_DLV_OK) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "dwarf_srclines: %s", dwarf_errmsg(de)); for (n = 0; n < nlines; n++) { /* Retrieve the file name for this descriptor. */ if (dwarf_linesrc(lines[n], &filename, &de)) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "dwarf_linesrc: %s", dwarf_errmsg(de)); /* Retrieve the line number in the source file. */ if (dwarf_lineno(lines[n], &lineno, &de)) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "dwarf_lineno: %s", dwarf_errmsg(de)); /* Retrieve the virtual address for this line. */ if (dwarf_lineaddr(lines[n], &lineaddr, &de)) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "dwarf_lineaddr: %s", dwarf_errmsg(de)); } SEE ALSO
dwarf(3), dwarf_line_srcfileno(3), dwarf_lineaddr(3), dwarf_linebeginstatement(3), dwarf_lineblock(3), dwarf_lineendsequence(3), dwarf_lineno(3), dwarf_lineoff(3), dwarf_linesrc(3), dwarf_srcfiles(3), dwarf_srclines_dealloc(3) BSD
November 9, 2011 BSD
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