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audit_submit(3) [freebsd man page]

AUDIT_SUBMIT(3) 					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					   AUDIT_SUBMIT(3)

audit_submit -- general purpose audit record submission LIBRARY
Basic Security Module Library (libbsm, -lbsm) SYNOPSIS
#include <bsm/libbsm.h> int audit_submit(short au_event, au_id_t auid, char status, int reterr, const char * restrict format, ...); DESCRIPTION
The audit_submit() function provides a generic programming interface for audit record submission. This audit record will contain a header, subject token, an optional text token, return token, and a trailer. The header will contain the event class specified by au_event. The sub- ject token will be generated based on auid. The return token is dependent on the status and reterr arguments; unlike the argument to au_to_return, reterr should be a local rather than BSM error number. Optionally, a text token will be created as a part of this record. Text token output is under the control of a format string that specifies how subsequent arguments (or arguments accessed via the variable- length argument facilities of stdarg(3)) are converted for output. If format is NULL, then no text token is created in the audit record. It should be noted that audit_submit() assumes that setaudit(2), or setaudit_addr(2) has already been called. As a direct result, the termi- nal ID for the subject will be retrieved from the kernel via getaudit(2), or getaudit_addr(2). RETURN VALUES
If successful, audit_submit will return zero. Otherwise a -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. EXAMPLES
#include <bsm/audit.h> #include <bsm/libbsm.h> #include <bsm/audit_uevents.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <errno.h> void audit_bad_su(char *from_login, char *to_login) { struct auditinfo_addr aia; struct auditinfo ai; au_id_t aid; int error; error = getaudit_addr(&aia, sizeof(aia)); if (error < 0 && errno == ENOSYS) { error = getaudit(&ai); if (error < 0) err(1, "getaudit"); aid = ai.ai_auid; } else if (error < 0) err(1, "getaudit_addr"); else aid = aia.ai_auid; error = audit_submit(AUE_su, aid, EPERM, 1, "bad su from %s to %s", from_login, to_login); if (error != 0) err(1, "audit_submit"); } Will generate the following audit record: header,94,1,su(1),0,Mon Apr 17 23:23:59 2006, + 271 msec subject,root,root,wheel,root,wheel,652,652,0, text,bad su from from csjp to root return,failure : Operation not permitted,1 trailer,94 SEE ALSO
auditon(2), getaudit(2), libbsm(3), stdarg(3) HISTORY
The audit_submit() function first appeared in OpenBSM version 1.0. OpenBSM 1.0 was introduced in FreeBSD 7.0. AUTHORS
The audit_submit() function was written by Christian S.J. Peron <>. BSD
January 18, 2008 BSD

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getaudit(2)															       getaudit(2)

getaudit, setaudit, getaudit_addr, setaudit_addr - get or set process audit information SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lbsm -lsocket -lnsl [ library ... ] #include <sys/param.h> #include <bsm/libbsm.h> int getaudit(struct auditinfo *info); int setaudit(struct auditinfo *info); int getaudit_addr(struct auditinfo_addr *info, int length); int setaudit_addr(struct auditinfo_addr *info, int length); The getaudit() function gets the audit ID, the preselection mask, the terminal ID and the audit session ID for the current process. The getaudit() function can fail and return an E2BIG errno if the address field in the terminal ID is larger than 32 bits. In this case, getaudit_addr() should be used. The setaudit() function sets the audit ID, the preselection mask, the terminal ID and the audit session ID for the current process. The getaudit_addr() function returns a variable length auditinfo_addr structure that contains the audit ID, the preselection mask, the ter- minal ID, and the audit session ID for the current process. The terminal ID contains a size field that indicates the size of the network address. The setaudit_addr() function sets the audit ID, the preselection mask, the terminal ID, and the audit session ID for the current process. The values are taken from the variable length struture auditinfo_addr. The terminal ID contains a size field that indicates the size of the network address. The auditinfo structure is used to pass the process audit information and contains the following members: au_id_t ai_auid; /* audit user ID */ au_mask_t ai_mask; /* preselection mask */ au_tid_t ai_termid; /* terminal ID */ au_asid_t ai_asid; /* audit session ID */ The auditinfo_addr structure is used to pass the process audit information and contains the following members: au_id_t ai_auid; /* audit user ID */ au_mask_t ai_mask; /* preselection mask */ au_tid_addr_t ai_termid; /* terminal ID */ au_asid_t ai_asid; /* audit session ID */ Upon successful completion, getaudit() and setaudit() return 0. Otherwise, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. The getaudit() and setaudit() functions will fail if: EFAULT The info parameter points outside the process's allocated address space. EPERM The {PRIV_SYS_AUDIT} privilege is not asserted in the effective set of the calling process. USAGE
The calling process must have the {PRIV_SYS_AUDIT} privilege asserted in its effective set. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Stable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ bsmconv(1M), audit(2), attributes(5) The functionality described in this man page is available only if the Basic Security Module (BSM) has been enabled. See bsmconv(1M) for more information. 31 Mar 2005 getaudit(2)
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