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acl_set_tag_type(3) [freebsd man page]

ACL_SET_TAG_TYPE(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 				       ACL_SET_TAG_TYPE(3)

acl_set_tag_type -- set the tag type of an ACL entry LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/acl.h> int acl_set_tag_type(acl_entry_t entry_d, acl_tag_t tag_type); DESCRIPTION
The acl_set_tag_type() function is a POSIX.1e call that sets the ACL tag type of ACL entry entry_d to the value of tag_type. Valid values are: ACL_USER_OBJ Permissions apply to file owner ACL_USER Permissions apply to additional user specified by qualifier ACL_GROUP_OBJ Permissions apply to file group ACL_GROUP Permissions apply to additional group specified by qualifier ACL_MASK Permissions specify mask ACL_OTHER Permissions apply to other ACL_OTHER_OBJ Same as ACL_OTHER ACL_EVERYONE Permissions apply to everyone@ Calling acl_set_tag_type() with tag_type equal to ACL_MASK, ACL_OTHER or ACL_OTHER_OBJ brands the ACL as POSIX.1e. Calling it with ACL_EVERYONE brands the ACL as NFSv4. RETURN VALUES
The acl_set_tag_type() function returns the value 0 if successful; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The acl_set_tag_type() function fails if: [EINVAL] Argument entry_d is not a valid descriptor for an ACL entry. Argument tag_type is not a valid ACL tag type. ACL is already branded differently. SEE ALSO
acl(3), acl_get_brand_np(3), acl_get_tag_type(3), posix1e(3) STANDARDS
POSIX.1e is described in IEEE POSIX.1e draft 17. HISTORY
POSIX.1e support was introduced in FreeBSD 4.0. The acl_set_tag_type() function was added in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
The acl_set_tag_type() function was written by Chris D. Faulhaber <>. BSD
June 25, 2009 BSD

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ACL_GET_QUALIFIER(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 				      ACL_GET_QUALIFIER(3)

acl_get_qualifier -- retrieve the qualifier from an ACL entry LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/acl.h> void * acl_get_qualifier(acl_entry_t entry_d); DESCRIPTION
The acl_get_qualifier() function is a POSIX.1e call that retrieves the qualifier of the tag for the ACL entry indicated by the argument entry_d into working storage and returns a pointer to that storage. If the value of the tag type in the ACL entry referred to by entry_d is ACL_USER, then the value returned by acl_get_qualifier() will be a pointer to type uid_t. If the value of the tag type in the ACL entry referred to by entry_d is ACL_GROUP, then the value returned by acl_get_qualifier() will be a pointer to type gid_t. If the value of the tag type in the ACL entry referred to by entry_d is ACL_UNDEFINED_TAG, ACL_USER_OBJ, ACL_GROUP_OBJ, ACL_OTHER, ACL_MASK, or an implementation-defined value for which a qualifier is not supported, then acl_get_qualifier() will return a value of (void *)NULL and the function will fail. This function may cause memory to be allocated. The caller should free any releasable memory, when the new qualifier is no longer required, by calling acl_free() with void * as the argument. RETURN VALUES
The acl_get_qualifier() function returns a pointer to the allocated storage if successful; otherwise a NULL pointer is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The acl_get_qualifier() fails if: [EINVAL] Argument entry_d does not point to a valid descriptor for an ACL entry. The value of the tag type in the ACL entry refer- enced by argument entry_d is not ACL_USER or ACL_GROUP. [ENOMEM] The value to be returned requires more memory than is allowed by the hardware or system-imposed memory management con- straints. SEE ALSO
acl(3), acl_create_entry(3), acl_free(3), acl_get_entry(3), acl_get_tag_type(3), acl_set_qualifier(3), acl_set_tag_type(3), posix1e(3) STANDARDS
POSIX.1e is described in IEEE POSIX.1e draft 17. HISTORY
POSIX.1e support was introduced in FreeBSD 4.0. The acl_get_qualifier() function was added in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
The acl_get_qualifier() function was written by Chris D. Faulhaber <>. BSD
March 13, 2001 BSD
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