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groupmod(1m) [freebsd man page]

groupmod(1M)                                              System Administration Commands                                              groupmod(1M)

groupmod - modify a group definition on the system SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/groupmod [ -g gid [-o]] [-n name] group DESCRIPTION
The groupmod command modifies the definition of the specified group by modifying the appropriate entry in the /etc/group file. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -g gid Specify the new group ID for the group. This group ID must be a non-negative decimal integer less than MAXUID, as defined in <param.h>. The group ID defaults to the next available (unique) number above 99. (Group IDs from 0-99 are reserved by SunOS for future applications.) -n name Specify the new name for the group. The name argument is a string of no more than eight bytes consisting of characters from the set of lower case alphabetic characters and numeric characters. A warning message will be written if these restrictions are not met. A future Solaris release may refuse to accept group fields that do not meet these requirements. The name argument must contain at least one character and must not include a colon (:) or NEWLINE ( ). -o Allow the gid to be duplicated (non-unique). OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: group An existing group name to be modified. EXIT STATUS
The groupmod utility exits with one of the following values: 0 Success. 2 Invalid command syntax. A usage message for the groupmod command is displayed. 3 An invalid argument was provided to an option. 4 gid is not unique (when the -o option is not used). 6 group does not exist. 9 name already exists as a group name. 10 Cannot update the /etc/group file. FILES
/etc/group group file ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
users(1B), groupadd(1M), groupdel(1M), logins(1M), useradd(1M), userdel(1M), usermod(1M), group(4), attributes(5) NOTES
The groupmod utility only modifies group definitions in the /etc/group file. If a network name service such as NIS or NIS+ is being used to supplement the local /etc/group file with additional entries, groupmod cannot change information supplied by the network name service. The groupmod utility will, however, verify the uniqueness of group name and group ID against the external name service. SunOS 5.10 5 Dec 1995 groupmod(1M)

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groupmod(1M)                                              System Administration Commands                                              groupmod(1M)

groupmod - modify a group definition on the system SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/groupmod [ -g gid [-o]] [-n name] group DESCRIPTION
The groupmod command modifies the definition of the specified group by modifying the appropriate entry in the /etc/group file. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -g gid Specify the new group ID for the group. This group ID must be a non-negative decimal integer less than MAXUID, as defined in <param.h>. The group ID defaults to the next available (unique) number above 99. (Group IDs from 0-99 are reserved by SunOS for future applications.) -n name Specify the new name for the group. The name argument is a string of no more than eight bytes consisting of characters from the set of lower case alphabetic characters and numeric characters. A warning message will be written if these restrictions are not met. A future Solaris release may refuse to accept group fields that do not meet these requirements. The name argument must contain at least one character and must not include a colon (:) or NEWLINE ( ). -o Allow the gid to be duplicated (non-unique). OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: group An existing group name to be modified. EXIT STATUS
The groupmod utility exits with one of the following values: 0 Success. 2 Invalid command syntax. A usage message for the groupmod command is displayed. 3 An invalid argument was provided to an option. 4 gid is not unique (when the -o option is not used). 6 group does not exist. 9 name already exists as a group name. 10 Cannot update the /etc/group file. FILES
/etc/group group file ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
users(1B), groupadd(1M), groupdel(1M), logins(1M), useradd(1M), userdel(1M), usermod(1M), group(4), attributes(5) NOTES
The groupmod utility only modifies group definitions in the /etc/group file. If a network name service such as NIS or NIS+ is being used to supplement the local /etc/group file with additional entries, groupmod cannot change information supplied by the network name service. The groupmod utility will, however, verify the uniqueness of group name and group ID against the external name service. SunOS 5.10 5 Dec 1995 groupmod(1M)
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