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nohup(1) [freebsd man page]

NOHUP(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  NOHUP(1)

nohup -- invoke a utility immune to hangups SYNOPSIS
nohup [--] utility [arguments] DESCRIPTION
The nohup utility invokes utility with its arguments and at this time sets the signal SIGHUP to be ignored. If the standard output is a ter- minal, the standard output is appended to the file nohup.out in the current directory. If standard error is a terminal, it is directed to the same place as the standard output. Some shells may provide a builtin nohup command which is similar or identical to this utility. Consult the builtin(1) manual page. ENVIRONMENT
The following variables are utilized by nohup: HOME If the output file nohup.out cannot be created in the current directory, the nohup utility uses the directory named by HOME to create the file. PATH Used to locate the requested utility if the name contains no '/' characters. EXIT STATUS
The nohup utility exits with one of the following values: 126 The utility was found, but could not be invoked. 127 The utility could not be found or an error occurred in nohup. Otherwise, the exit status of nohup will be that of utility. SEE ALSO
builtin(1), csh(1), signal(3) STANDARDS
The nohup utility is expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') compatible. BUGS
Two or more instances of nohup can append to the same file, which makes for a confusing output. BSD
July 19, 2001 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

NOHUP(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  NOHUP(1)

nohup -- invoke a command immune to hangups SYNOPSIS
nohup utility [arg ...] DESCRIPTION
The nohup command allows the specified utility to be protected from termination if the user should become logged out (for example, due to a modem line or TCP/IP connection being dropped). To do this, nohup sets the SIGHUP signal(3) (``terminal line hangup'') to be ignored, then executes utility along with any arguments. If the standard output is a terminal, the standard output is appended to the file nohup.out in the current directory. If standard error is a terminal, it is directed to the same place as the standard output. If the output file nohup.out cannot be created in the current directory, nohup attempts to create the file in the user's home directory. If the file nohup.out cannot be created, either in the current directory or the user's home directory, nohup will exit without invoking utility, with an exit value as described below. ENVIRONMENT
The following variable is used by nohup. HOME User's home directory. EXIT STATUS
The nohup utility exits with one of the following values: 126 The utility was found but could not be invoked. 127 The utility could not be found or an error occurred in nohup. Otherwise, the exit status of nohup will be that of utility. SEE ALSO
signal(3) STANDARDS
The nohup command is expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') compatible. BSD
July 15, 2005 BSD
Man Page

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Nohup Command

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9. Shell Programming and Scripting

Nohup and background jobs

Hi All, Can someone help me in knowing the exact difference between nohup and &. The definition is quite clear but i only want to know if i run my job using & and in between i hung up my terminal. (10 Replies)
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10. Shell Programming and Scripting

Saving nohup output to a file other than nohup.out

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