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dh_bugfiles(1) [freebsd man page]

DH_BUGFILES(1)							     Debhelper							    DH_BUGFILES(1)

dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package build directories SYNOPSIS
dh_bugfiles [-A] [debhelperoptions] DESCRIPTION
dh_bugfiles is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing bug reporting customization files (bug scripts and/or bug control files and/or presubj files) into package build directories. FILES
debian/package.bug-script This is the script to be run by the bug reporting program for generating a bug report template. This file is installed as usr/share/bug/package in the package build directory if no other types of bug reporting customization files are going to be installed for the package in question. Otherwise, this file is installed as usr/share/bug/package/script. Finally, the installed script is given execute permissions. debian/package.bug-control It is the bug control file containing some directions for the bug reporting tool. This file is installed as usr/share/bug/package/control in the package build directory. debian/package.bug-presubj The contents of this file are displayed to the user by the bug reporting tool before allowing the user to write a bug report on the package to the Debian Bug Tracking System. This file is installed as usr/share/bug/package/presubj in the package build directory. OPTIONS
-A, --all Install debian/bug-* files to ALL packages acted on when respective debian/package.bug-* files do not exist. Normally, debian/bug-* will be installed to the first package only. SEE ALSO
/usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz debhelper(1) This program is a part of debhelper. AUTHOR
Modestas Vainius <> 11.1.6ubuntu2 2018-05-10 DH_BUGFILES(1)

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DH_BUGFILES(1)							     Debhelper							    DH_BUGFILES(1)

       dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package build directories

       dh_bugfiles [-A] [debhelperoptions]

       dh_bugfiles is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing bug reporting customization files (bug scripts and/or bug control
       files and/or presubj files) into package build directories.

	   This is the script to be run by the bug reporting program for generating a bug report template. This file is installed as
	   usr/share/bug/package in the package build directory if no other types of bug reporting customization files are going to be installed
	   for the package in question. Otherwise, this file is installed as usr/share/bug/package/script. Finally, the installed script is given
	   execute permissions.

	   It is the bug control file containing some directions for the bug reporting tool. This file is installed as
	   usr/share/bug/package/control in the package build directory.

	   The contents of this file are displayed to the user by the bug reporting tool before allowing the user to write a bug report on the
	   package to the Debian Bug Tracking System. This file is installed as usr/share/bug/package/presubj in the package build directory.

       -A, --all
	   Install debian/bug-* files to ALL packages acted on when respective debian/package.bug-* files do not exist. Normally, debian/bug-*
	   will be installed to the first package only.



       This program is a part of debhelper.

       Modestas Vainius <>

11.1.6ubuntu2							    2018-05-10							    DH_BUGFILES(1)
Man Page

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