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atf-sh(1) [freebsd man page]

ATF-SH(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 ATF-SH(1)

atf-sh [-s shell] -- interpreter for shell-based test programs SYNOPSIS
atf-sh script DESCRIPTION
atf-sh is an interpreter that runs the test program given in script after loading the atf-sh(3) library. atf-sh is not a real interpreter though: it is just a wrapper around the system-wide shell defined by ATF_SHELL. atf-sh executes the inter- preter, loads the atf-sh(3) library and then runs the script. You must consider atf-sh to be a POSIX shell by default and thus should not use any non-standard extensions. The following options are available: -s shell Specifies the shell to use instead of the value provided by ATF_SHELL. ENVIRONMENT
ATF_LIBEXECDIR Overrides the builtin directory where atf-sh is located. Should not be overridden other than for testing purposes. ATF_PKGDATADIR Overrides the builtin directory where libatf-sh.subr is located. Should not be overridden other than for testing purposes. ATF_SHELL Path to the system shell to be used in the generated scripts. Scripts must not rely on this variable being set to select a specific interpreter. EXAMPLES
Scripts using atf-sh(3) should start with: #! /usr/bin/env atf-sh Alternatively, if you want to explicitly choose a shell interpreter, you cannot rely on env(1) to find atf-sh. Instead, you have to hardcode the path to atf-sh in the script and then use the -s option afterwards as a single parameter: #! /path/to/bin/atf-sh -s/bin/bash ENVIRONMENT
ATF_SHELL Path to the system shell to be used in the generated scripts. SEE ALSO
atf-sh(3) BSD
September 27, 2014 BSD

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ATF-TEST-PROGRAM(1)					    BSD General Commands Manual 				       ATF-TEST-PROGRAM(1)

atf-test-program -- common interface to ATF test programs SYNOPSIS
atf-test-program [-r resfile] [-s srcdir] [-v var1=value1 [.. -v varN=valueN]] test_case atf-test-program -l DESCRIPTION
Test programs written using the ATF libraries all share a common user interface, which is what this manual page describes. NOTE: There is no binary known as atf-test-program; what is described in this manual page is the command-line interface exposed by the atf-c, atf-c++ and atf-sh bindings. In the first synopsis form, the test program will execute the provided test case and print its results to the standard output, unless other- wise stated by the -r flag. Optionally, the test case name can be suffixed by ':cleanup', in which case the cleanup routine of the test case will be executed instead of the test case body; see atf-test-case(4). Note that the test case is executed without isolation, so it can and probably will create and modify files in the current directory. To execute test cases in a controller manner, refer to atf-run(1), which is the preferred way to run test cases. You should only execute test cases by hand for debugging purposes. In the second synopsis form, the test program will list all available test cases alongside their meta-data properties in a format that is machine parseable. This list is processed by atf-run(1) to know how to execute the test cases of a given test program. The following options are available: -l Lists available test cases alongside a brief description for each of them. -r resfile Specifies the file that will receive the test case result. If not specified, the test case prints its results to stdout. If the result of a test case needs to be parsed by another program, you must use this option to redirect the result to a file and then read the resulting file from the other program. Note: do not try to process the stdout of the test case because your program may break in the future. -s srcdir The path to the directory where the test program is located. This is needed in all cases, except when the test program is being executed from the current directory. The test program will use this path to locate any helper data files or utilities. -v var=value Sets the configuration variable var to the value value. SEE ALSO
atf-run(1), atf(7) BSD
February 6, 2011 BSD
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