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rlogind(8) [debian man page]

RLOGIND(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						RLOGIND(8)

rlogind -- remote login daemon SYNOPSIS
rlogind is the server for the rlogin(1) program. The server provides a remote login facility with authentication based on privileged port numbers from trusted hosts or a login prompt. SEE ALSO
rsh(1), rshd(8), rlogin(1), rcp(1), rhosts(5), RFC 1282. June 1, 2019

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RLOGIND(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						RLOGIND(8)

rlogind -- remote login server SYNOPSIS
rlogind [-Daln] DESCRIPTION
The rlogind utility is the server for the rlogin(1) program. The server provides a remote login facility with authentication based on privi- leged port numbers from trusted hosts. Options supported by rlogind: -D Set TCP_NODELAY socket option. This improves responsiveness at the expense of some additional network traffic. -a Ask hostname for verification. -l Prevent any authentication based on the user's ``.rhosts'' file, unless the user is logging in as the superuser. -n Disable keep-alive messages. The rlogind utility listens for service requests at the port indicated in the ``login'' service specification; see services(5). When a ser- vice request is received the following protocol is initiated: 1. The server checks the client's source port. If the port is not in the range 512-1023, the server aborts the connection. 2. The server checks the client's source address and requests the corresponding host name (see gethostbyaddr(3), hosts(5) and named(8)). If the hostname cannot be determined, the dot-notation representation of the host address is used. If the hostname is in the same domain as the server (according to the last two components of the domain name), or if the -a option is given, the addresses for the hostname are requested, verifying that the name and address correspond. Normal authentication is bypassed if the address verification fails. Once the source port and address have been checked, rlogind proceeds with the authentication process described in rshd(8). It then allocates a pseudo terminal (see pty(4)), and manipulates file descriptors so that the slave half of the pseudo terminal becomes the stdin, stdout, and stderr for a login process. The login process is an instance of the login(1) program, invoked with the -f option if authentication has suc- ceeded. If automatic authentication fails, the user is prompted to log in as if on a standard terminal line. The parent of the login process manipulates the master side of the pseudo terminal, operating as an intermediary between the login process and the client instance of the rlogin(1) program. In normal operation, the packet protocol described in pty(4) is invoked to provide '^S/^Q' type facilities and propagate interrupt signals to the remote programs. The login process propagates the client terminal's baud rate and terminal type, as found in the environment variable, TERM; see environ(7). The screen or window size of the terminal is requested from the client, and window size changes from the client are propagated to the pseudo terminal. Transport-level keepalive messages are enabled unless the -n option is present. The use of keepalive messages allows sessions to be timed out if the client crashes or becomes unreachable. FILES
/etc/hosts /etc/hosts.equiv $HOME/.rhosts /var/run/nologin DIAGNOSTICS
All initial diagnostic messages are indicated by a leading byte with a value of 1, after which any network connections are closed. If there are no errors before login(1) is invoked, a null byte is returned as in indication of success. Try again. A fork(2) by the server failed. SEE ALSO
login(1), ruserok(3), hosts(5), hosts.equiv(5), login.conf(5), nologin(5), services(5), rshd(8) HISTORY
The rlogind utility appeared in 4.2BSD. IPv6 support was added by WIDE/KAME project. BUGS
The authentication procedure used here assumes the integrity of each client machine and the connecting medium. This is insecure, but is use- ful in an ``open'' environment. A facility to allow all data exchanges to be encrypted should be present. A more extensible protocol should be used. BSD
February 9, 2005 BSD
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