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smp_rep_phy_event_list(8) [debian man page]


smp_rep_phy_event_list - invoke REPORT PHY EVENT LIST SMP function SYNOPSIS
smp_rep_phy_event_list [--help] [--hex] [--index=IN] [--interface=PARAMS] [--raw] [--sa=SAS_ADDR] [--verbose] [--version] [--zero] SMP_DEVICE[,N] DESCRIPTION
Sends a SAS Management Protocol (SMP) REPORT PHY EVENT LIST function request to a SMP target. The SMP target is identified by the SMP_DEVICE and the SAS_ADDR. Depending on the interface, the SAS_ADDR may be deduced from the SMP_DEVICE. The mpt interface uses SMP_DEVICE to identify a HBA (an SMP initiator) and needs the additional ,N to differentiate between HBAs if there are multiple present. OPTIONS
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as well. -h, --help output the usage message then exit. -H, --hex output the response (less the CRC field) in hexadecimal. -i, --index=IN starting phy event list descriptor index. ID is a value between 1 and 65535. Default is 1. -I, --interface=PARAMS interface specific parameters. In this case "interface" refers to the path through the operating system to the SMP initiator. See the smp_utils man page for more information. -r, --raw send the response (less the CRC field) to stdout in binary. All error messages are sent to stderr. -s, --sa=SAS_ADDR specifies the SAS address of the SMP target device. Typically this is an expander. This option may not be needed if the SMP_DEVICE has the target's SAS address within it. The SAS_ADDR is in decimal but most SAS addresses are shown in hexadecimal. To give a number in hexadecimal either prefix it with '0x' or put a trailing 'h' on it. -v, --verbose increase the verbosity of the output. Can be used multiple times -V, --version print the version string and then exit. NOTES
Similar information is maintained for SAS SSP target phys (e.g. on a SAS disk). It can be obtained from the Protocol Specific Port log page with the sg_logs utility. Similar information may be obtained for SAS initiator phys (e.g. on a SAS HBA). As an example in Linux 2.6.28 error information can be found in this directory /sys/class/sas_phy/phy-4:0 (for the phy 0 in SCSI/SAS host 4). Similar information may be obtained for SATA device phys (e.g. on a SATA disk). If there is a SAT layer between OS and the SATA device then the sg_sat_phy_event utility can fetch the information. CONFORMING TO
The SMP REPORT PHY EVENT LIST function was introduced in SAS-2 . AUTHORS
Written by Douglas Gilbert. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2011 Douglas Gilbert This software is distributed under a FreeBSD license. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. SEE ALSO
smp_utils, smp_phy_control, smp_rep_phy_event(smp_utils) sg_logs, sg_sat_phy_event(sg3_utils) smp_utils-0.96 May 2011 SMP_REP_PHY_EVENT_LIST(8)

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SMP_REP_PHY_SATA(8)						     SMP_UTILS						       SMP_REP_PHY_SATA(8)

smp_rep_phy_sata - invoke REPORT PHY SATA SMP function SYNOPSIS
smp_rep_phy_sata [--affiliation=AC] [--help] [--hex] [--interface=PARAMS] [--phy=ID] [--raw] [--sa=SAS_ADDR] [--verbose] [--version] SMP_DEVICE[,N] DESCRIPTION
Sends a SAS Management Protocol (SMP) REPORT PHY SATA request function to a SMP target. The SMP target is identified by the SMP_DEVICE and the SAS_ADDR. Depending on the interface, the SAS_ADDR may be deduced from the SMP_DEVICE. With one interface there is one SMP_DEVICE per machine so the SMP_DEVICE,N syntax is needed to differentiate between HBAs if there are multiple present. -a, --affiliation=AC where AC is the affiliation context relative identifier that is placed in request (new in sas2r08). Defaults to 0. -h, --help output the usage message then exit. -H, --hex output the response in hexadecimal. -I, --interface=PARAMS interface specific parameters. In this case "interface" refers to the path through the operating system to the SMP initiator. See the smp_utils man page for more information. -p, --phy=ID phy identifier. ID is a value between 0 and 127. Default is 0. -r, --raw send the response to stdout in binary. All error messages are sent to stderr. -s, --sa=SAS_ADDR specifies the SAS address of the SMP target device. Typically this is an expander. This option may not be needed if the SMP_DEVICE has the target's SAS address within it. The SAS_ADDR is in decimal but most SAS addresses are shown in hexadecimal. To give a number in hexadecimal either prefix it with '0x' or put a trailing 'h' on it. -v, --verbose increase the verbosity of the output. Can be used multiple times -V, --version print the version string and then exit. CONFORMING TO
The SMP REPORT PHY SATA function was introduced in SAS-1 . The "Expander change count", "STP I_T nexus loss occurred" and several other fields were added in SAS-2 . AUTHORS
Written by Douglas Gilbert. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Douglas Gilbert This software is distributed under a FreeBSD license. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. SEE ALSO
smp_utils, smp_phy_control(smp_utils) smp_utils-0.93 January 2008 SMP_REP_PHY_SATA(8)
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