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oss_midiloop(7) [debian man page]

oss_midiloop(7) 						    OSS Devices 						   oss_midiloop(7)

oss_midiloop - Loopback MIDI driver. DESCRIPTION
The loopback midi driver makes it possible to create special purpose virtual midi devices based on user land server processes. INTRODUCTION
MIDI loopback devices are like named pipes or pseudo terminals. They are grouped in client and server device pairs. The server side device must be open before the client side device can be opened. SERVER SIDE DEVICE The server side device is used by some special application (such as a software based MIDI synthesizer) to receice MIDI events from the applications that want to play MIDI. CLIENT SIDE DEVICE Client applications such as MIDI players open the client side device when they need to play some MIDI stream (file). The client side device behaves like any "ordinary" MIDI device. However it cannot be opened when there is no program connected to the server side. COMPATIBILITY ISSUES
MIDI loopback devices differ from "normal" MIDI devices because an application is needed at the both ends of the loop. The loop device will return a "Connection reset by peer" error (ECONNRESET) error. Applications designed to be used as loopback based server applications can/should use this error (returned by read or write) as an end-of-stream indication. OPTIONS
o midiloop_instances: Specifies how many loopback client/server MIDI device pairs to be created. Values: 1-16 Default: 1 KNOWN PROBLEMS
/etc/oss4/conf/oss_midiloop.conf Device configuration file AUTHOR
4Front Technologies 16 December 2012 oss_midiloop(7)

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midiplay -- play MIDI and RMID files SYNOPSIS
midiplay [-d devno] [-f file] [-l] [-m] [-p pgm] [-q] [-t tempo] [-v] [-x] [file ...] DESCRIPTION
The midiplay command plays MIDI and RMID files using the sequencer device. If no file name is given it will play from standard input, other- wise it will play the named files. RMID files are Standard MIDI Files embedded in a RIFF container and can usually be found with the 'rmi' extension. They contain some addi- tional information in other chunks which are not parsed by midiplay yet. The program accepts the following options: -d devno specifies the number of the MIDI device used for output (as listed by the -l flag). There is no way at present to have midiplay map playback to more than one device. The default is device is given by environment variable MIDIUNIT. -f file specifies the name of the sequencer device. -l list the possible devices without playing anything. -m show MIDI file meta events (copyright, lyrics, etc). -p pgm force all channels to play with the single specified program (or instrument patch, range 1-128). Program change events in the file will be suppressed. There is no way at present to have midiplay selectively map channels or instruments. -q specifies that the MIDI file should not be played, just parsed. -t tempo-adjust specifies an adjustment (in percent) to the tempi recorded in the file. The default of 100 plays as specified in the file, 50 halves every tempo, and so on. -v be verbose. If the flag is repeated the verbosity increases. -x play a small sample sound instead of a file. A file containing no tempo indication will be played as if it specified 150 beats per minute. You have been warned. ENVIRONMENT
MIDIUNIT the default number of the MIDI device used for output. The default is 0. FILES
/dev/music MIDI sequencer device SEE ALSO
midi(4) HISTORY
The midiplay command first appeared in NetBSD 1.4. BUGS
It may take a long while before playing stops when midiplay is interrupted, as the data already buffered in the sequencer will contain timing events. BSD
January 16, 2010 BSD
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