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up2date(5) [debian man page]

UP2DATE(5)							   Red Hat, Inc.							UP2DATE(5)

up2date - Configuration file for Red Hat Network client programs. DESCRIPTION
Red Hat Network client programs, such as rhn_check(8), use a common configuration file at /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date. OPTIONS
enableProxy Use a HTTP Proxy. Can be either 0 (False) or 1 (True). serverURL Remote server URL debug Whether or not debugging is enabled. Can be either 0 (False) or 1 (True). systemIdPath Location of system id file. Expects the path of a file on disk. versionOverride Override the automatically determined system version. Expects a string or blank (do not override the version). httpProxy HTTP proxy in host:port format, e.g. proxyUser The username for an authenticated proxy. proxyPassword The password to use for an authenticated proxy. enableProxyAuth To use an authenticated proxy or not. Can be either 0 (False) or 1 (True). networkRetries Number of attempts to make at network connections before giving up. Expects a positive integer. sslCACert The CA cert used to verify the ssl server. Expects the path of a file on disk. noReboot Disable the reboot action. Can be either 0 (False) or 1 (True). disallowConfChanges Config options that can not be overwritten by a config update action. Expects a semi-colon separated list of config option names. hostedWhitelist Override the default list of URLs the RHN Register client treats as official RHN hosted servers. This only affects the RHN Register graphical- and text-based clients, as it changes some of the options that appear. This option is included for testing purposes only. retrieveOnly If set to 1 (True), package installs done through rhn_check will only download the package, the package will not be installed. FILES
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date The location of this configuration file SEE ALSO
rhn_check(8), rhn_register(8), rhnreg_ks(8), rhnsd(8), rhn-profile-sync(8), rhnplugin(8), rhnplugin.conf(5). AUTHORS
See the AUTHORS file included with this software. This manual page was written by James Bowes <> BUGS
Report bugs to <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Red Hat, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE. Linux 2010 August 30 UP2DATE(5)

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RHNREG_KS(8)							   Red Hat, Inc.						      RHNREG_KS(8)

rhnreg_ks - A program for non interactively registering systems to Spacewalk Server, Red Hat Satellite or Red Hat Network Classic. SYNOPSIS
rhnreg_ks [options] DESCRIPTION
rhnreg_ks is a utility for registering a system with the "Spacewalk Server", "Red Hat Satellite" or "Red Hat Network Classic". It is designed to be used in a non-interactive environment (a kickstart style install, for example). All the information can be specified on the command line or stdin. OPTIONS
--profilename Specify the profile name that should be used as an identifier for the system in Spacewalk Server, Red Hat Satellite or Red Hat Net- work Classic --username The username to register the system with under Spacewalk Server, Red Hat Satellite or Red Hat Network Classic. This can be an exist- ing Spacewalk, Red Hat Satellite or Red Hat Network Classic username, or a new username. --password The password associated with the username specified with the --username option. This is an unencrypted password. --activationkey Specify/use a serial number to associate with the system. This is optional, but activation keys can really simplify the registration process. Learn more about activation keys in the online RHN documentation. --contactinfo This option has been deprecated. Please login to the server web user interface and update your contactinfo. --nohardware Do not probe or upload any hardware information. --nopackages Do not profile or upload any package information. --novirtinfo Do not profile or upload any virtualization information. --norhnsd Do not start rhnsd after completion. --force Register the system even if it has already been registered. --version Show the version of rhnreg_ks. --proxy Specify a HTTP proxy to use. --proxyUser Specify a username to use with an authenticated HTTP proxy. --proxyPassword Specify a password to use with an authenticated HTTP proxy. --sslCACert Specify a path to a SSL CA certificate to use. --serverUrl Specify a URL to as the server. -h, --help Show a help message and exit. FILES
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid The digital server ID for this machine if the system has been registered onto "Spacewalk Server", "Red Hat Satellite" or "Red Hat Network Classic". This file does not exist otherwise. /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date The common configuration file used by RHN client programs. EXAMPLES
Register a new system to Spacewalk / Red Hat Satellite / Red Hat Network Classic: rhnreg_ks --profilename "example_profile_name" --username "someexampleuser" --password "foobar" SEE ALSO
rhn_check(8), rhn_register(8), rhnsd(8), rhn-profile-sync(8), rhnplugin(8), up2date(5). AUTHORS
See the AUTHORS file included with this software. This manual page was written by Adrian Likins <> and James Bowes <> BUGS
Report bugs to <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Red Hat, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE. Linux 2011 February 4 RHNREG_KS(8)
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