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fmtutil.cnf(5) [debian man page]

fmtutil.cnf(5)							       teTeX							    fmtutil.cnf(5)

fmtutil.cnf - configuration file for fmtutil DESCRIPTION
The fmtutil.cnf file contains the configuration information for fmtutil(8). Each line contains the name of the format (e.g., ``tex'', ``latex'', ``omega''), the name of the engine that is used by that format (e.g., ``tex'', ``etex'', ``omega''), the pattern file (e.g., language.dat, language.def), and any arguments (name of an .ini file). Fields are separated by whitespace and complete lines can be commented out with ``#''. The ``pattern file'' field cannot be used to define a file that is used while building the format. It tells fmtutil which files (separated by commas) the format creation procedure reads and it has an effect to the options --showhyphen and --byhyphen. If the format has no way to customize hyphenation, a ``-'' can be used to indicate this. NOTES
The tex(1) and amstex(1) formats always load hyphen.tex. No customization by a pattern file is available for these formats. Therefore, the pattern-file field for the tex and amstex is usually indicated to be empty (``-''). You can, however, build customized formats on top of plain tex(1) or amstex(1) by using bplain.tex instead of plain.tex (b for the Babel system). See, for example, the bplain.ini file for the bplain format). etex(1) loads language.def, not language.dat. Symbolic links to the correct engines (e.g., bplain -> tex) are generated by the texlinks(8) script. Remember to run texlinks(8) if you run fmtutil(8) yourself, rather than using the FORMATS option in texconfig(8). FILES
fmtutil.cnf default configuration file language.dat hyphenation pattern file language.def hyphenation pattern file language.dat.lua hyphenation pattern file SEE ALSO
amstex(1), etex(1), fmtutil(8), tex(1), texconfig(8), texlinks(8). Web page: <> BUGS
None known, but report any bugs found to <> (mailing list). AUTHOR
fmtutil.cnf was written by Thomas Esser <>, and is Copyright 1998, 1999 but released into the public domain. This manual page was written by C.M. Connelly <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system. It may be used by other distributions with- out contacting the author. Any mistakes or omissions in the manual page are my fault; inquiries about or corrections to this manual page should be directed to me (and not to the primary author). teTeX October 2000 fmtutil.cnf(5)

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FMTUTIL(1)							     TeX Live								FMTUTIL(1)

fmtutil - utility for maintaining TeX format files fmtutil-sys - utility for maintaining TeX format files system-wide SYNOPSIS
fmtutil is used to create or recreate format and hyphenation files or show information about format files. COMMAND is one of: --all recreate all format files --byengine enginename (re)create formats that depend on the engine enginename --byfmt formatname (re)create the format for format formatname --byhyphen hyphenfile (re)create formats that depend on the hyphenation file hyphenfile --catcfg output the content of the config file --disablefmt formatname disable formatname in config file --edit no-op in TeX Live --enablefmt formatname enable formatname in config file --help print a summary of commands and options --listcfg list (enabled and disabled) configurations, filtered to available formats --missing create all missing format files --refresh recreate only existing format files --showhyphen formatname print the name of the hyphenation file for the format formatname --version show version info OPTIONS
--cnffile file specify the configuration file fmtutil should use --dolinks (not implemented, just for compatibility) --fmtdir directory set the destination directory for format files generated by fmtutil to directory --force (not implemented, just for compatibility) --no-engine-subdir don't use engine-specific subdir of the fmtdir --no-error-if-no-format exit successfully if no format is selected --quiet be silent --test (not implemented, just for compatibility) FILES
fmtutil.cnf default configuration file /etc/texmf/fmt.d/ Debian-specific directory for configuration file snippets SEE ALSO
kpsewhich(1), update-fmtutil(1) BUGS
None known, but report any bugs found to <> (mailing list). AUTHOR
fmtutil was written by Thomas Esser <> and is in the public domain. This manual page was written by C.M. Connelly <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system and later slightly adapted for the teTeX 3 release. TeX Live June 2011 FMTUTIL(1)
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