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clush.conf(5) [debian man page]

CLUSH.CONF(5)						     ClusterShell User Manual						     CLUSH.CONF(5)

clush.conf - Configuration file for clush DESCRIPTION
clush(1) obtains configuration options from the following sources in the following order: 1. command-line options 2. user configuration file (~/.clush.conf) 3. system-wide configuration file (/etc/clustershell/clush.conf) For each parameter, the first obtained value will be used. The configuration file has a format in the style of RFC 822 composed of one main section: Main Program options definition [Main] Configuration parameters of the Main section are described below. fanout Size of the sliding window of ssh connectors. connect_timeout Timeout in seconds to allow a connection to establish. This parameter is passed to ssh. If set to 0, no timeout occurs. command_timeout Timeout in seconds to allow a command to complete since the connection has been established. This parameter is passed to ssh. In addition, the ClusterShell library ensures that any commands complete in less than ( connect_timeout + command_timeout ). If set to 0, no timeout occurs. color Whether to use ANSI colors to surround node or nodeset prefix/header with escape sequences to display them in color on the terminal. Valid arguments are never, always or auto (which use color if standard output/error refer to a terminal). Colors are set to [34m (blue foreground text) for stdout and [31m (red foreground text) for stderr, and cannot be modified. fd_max Maximum number of open file descriptors permitted per clush process (soft resource limit for open files). This limit can never exceed the system (hard) limit. The fd_max (soft) and system (hard) limits should be high enough to run clush, although their values depend on your fanout value. history_size Set the maximum number of history entries saved in the GNU readline history list. Negative values imply unlimited history file size. node_count Should clush display additional (node count) information in buffer header? (yes/no) verbosity Set the verbosity level: 0 (quiet), 1 (default), 2 (verbose) or more (debug). ssh_user Set the ssh user to use for remote connection (default is to not specify). ssh_path Set the ssh binary path to use for remote connection (default is /usr/bin/ssh). ssh_options Set additional options to pass to the underlying ssh command. EXAMPLES
Simple configuration file. clush.conf [Main] fanout: 128 connect_timeout: 15 command_timeout: 0 history_size: 100 color: auto fd_max: 10240 node_count: yes FILES
~/.clush.conf This is the per-user configuration file. /etc/clustershell/clush.conf System-wide configuration file. HISTORY
As of ClusterShell version 1.3, the External section has been removed from clush.conf. External commands whose outputs were used by clush (-a, -g, -X) are now handled by the library itself and defined in groups.conf(5). SEE ALSO
clush(1), nodeset(1), groups.conf(5) AUTHOR
Stephane Thiell, CEA DAM <> COPYRIGHT
CeCILL-C V1 1.6 2012-02-15 CLUSH.CONF(5)

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GROUPS.CONF(5)						     ClusterShell User Manual						    GROUPS.CONF(5)

groups.conf - Configuration file for ClusterShell external node groups DESCRIPTION
The ClusterShell library obtains node groups configuration options from the system-wide configuration file /etc/clustershell/groups.conf. Additional configuration files are also read from the directories set by the groupsdir option, if present. See the groupsdir option below for further details. Configuration files have a format in the style of RFC 822 potentially composed of several sections which may be present in any order. There are two types of sections: Main and Group source: Main Global configuration options. There should be only one Main section. Group_source The Group_source section(s) define the configuration for each node group source (or namespace). This configuration consists in external commands definition (map, all, list and reverse). Only Group_source section(s) are allowed in additional configuration files. [Main] OPTIONS Configuration parameters of the Main section are described below. default Specify the default group source (group namespace) used by the NodeSet parser when the user does not explicitly specify the group source (eg. "@io"). groupsdir Optional list of directories where the ClusterShell library should look for .conf files which define group sources to use. Each file in these directories with the .conf suffix should contain one or more Group_source sections as documented in [Group_source] options below. These will be merged with the group sources defined in /etc/clustershell/groups.conf to form the complete set of group sources that ClusterShell will use. Duplicate Group_source sections are not allowed. Note: .conf files that are not readable by the current user are ignored. [Group_source] OPTIONS Configuration parameters of each group source section are described below. map Specify the external shell command used to resolve a group name into a nodeset, list of nodes or list of nodeset (separated by space characters or by carriage returns). The variable $GROUP is replaced before executing the command. all Optional external shell command that should return a nodeset, list of nodes or list of nodeset of all nodes for this group source. If not specified, the library will try to resolve all nodes by using the list external command in the same group source followed by map for each group. list Optional external shell command that should return the list of all groups for this group source (separated by space characters or by carriage returns). reverse Optional external shell command used to find the group(s) of a single node. The variable $NODE is previously replaced. If this upcall is not specified, the reverse operation is computed in memory by the library from the list and map external calls. Also, if the number of nodes to reverse is greater than the number of available groups, the reverse external command is avoided automati- cally. When the library executes a group source external shell command, the current working directory is previously set to the corresponding groupsdir. This allows the use of relative paths for third party files in the command. Each external command might return a non-zero return code when the operation is not doable. But if the call return zero, for instance, for a non-existing group, the user will not receive any error when trying to resolve such unknown group. The desired behaviour is up to the system administrator. RESOURCE USAGE
All external command results are cached in memory to avoid multiple calls. EXAMPLES
Simple configuration file for local groups and slurm partitions binding. groups.conf [Main] default: local #groupsdir: /etc/clustershell/groups.conf.d/ [local] map: sed -n 's/^$GROUP:(.*)/1/p' /etc/clustershell/groups list: sed -n 's/^([0-9A-Za-z_-]*):.*/1/p' /etc/clustershell/groups [slurm] map: sinfo -h -o "%N" -p $GROUP all: sinfo -h -o "%N" list: sinfo -h -o "%P" reverse: sinfo -h -N -o "%P" -n $NODE FILES
/etc/clustershell/groups.conf System-wide external node groups configuration file. /etc/clustershell/groups.conf.d/ Recommended directory for additional configuration files. SEE ALSO
clush(1), clubak(1), nodeset(1) AUTHOR
Stephane Thiell, CEA DAM <> COPYRIGHT
CeCILL-C V1 1.6 2012-03-31 GROUPS.CONF(5)
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