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tapset::scsi(3stap) [debian man page]

TAPSET::SCSI(3stap)													       TAPSET::SCSI(3stap)

tapset::scsi - systemtap scsi probe points DESCRIPTION
This family of probe points is used to probe the SCSI activities. It contains the following probe points: scsi.ioentry Fires when SCSI mid layer prepares a SCSI request Arguments: disk_major The major number of the disk disk_minor The minor number of the disk device_state The current state of the device. The possible values could be: SDEV_CREATED = 1, /* device created but not added to sysfs * Only internal commands allowed (for inq) */ SDEV_RUNNING = 2, /* device properly configured * All commands allowed */ SDEV_CANCEL = 3, /* beginning to delete device * Only error handler commands allowed */ SDEV_DEL = 4, /* device deleted * no commands allowed */ SDEV_QUIESCE = 5, /* Device quiescent. No block commands * will be accepted, only specials (which * originate in the mid-layer) */ SDEV_OFFLINE = 6, /* Device offlined (by error handling or * user request */ SDEV_BLOCK = 7, /* Device blocked by scsi lld. No scsi * commands from user or midlayer should be issued * to the scsi lld. */ scsi.iodispatching Fires when the SCSI mid layer dispatches a SCSI command to the low level driver Arguments: host_no The host number channel The channel number lun The lun number dev_id The scsi device id device_state The current state of the device. data_direction The data_direction specifies whether this command is from/to the device. The possible values could be: DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL = 0, DMA_TO_DEVICE = 1, DMA_FROM_DEVICE = 2, DMA_NONE = 3, request_buffer The request buffer address req_bufflen The request buffer length scsi.iodone Fires when a SCSI command is done by low level driver and enqueued into the done queue. Arguments: host_no The host number channel The channel number lun The lun number dev_id The scsi device id device_state The current state of the device data_direction The data_direction specifies whether this command is from/to the device. scsi.iocompleted Fires when SCSI mid layer runs the completion processing for block device I/O requests Arguments: host_no The host number channel The channel number lun The lun number dev_id The scsi device id device_state The current state of the device data_direction The data_direction specifies whether this command is from/to the device. goodbytes The bytes completed. SEE ALSO
stap(1), stapprobes(3stap) IBM

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scsi_transport(9F)                                         Kernel Functions for Drivers                                         scsi_transport(9F)

scsi_transport - request by a SCSI target driver to start a command SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/scsi/scsi.h> int scsi_transport(struct scsi_pkt *pkt); INTERFACE LEVEL
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI). PARAMETERS
pkt Pointer to a scsi_pkt(9S) structure. DESCRIPTION
Target drivers use scsi_transport() to request the host adapter driver to transport a command to the SCSI target device specified by pkt. The target driver must obtain resources for the packet using scsi_init_pkt(9F) prior to calling this function. The packet may be initial- ized using one of the makecom(9F) functions. scsi_transport() does not wait for the SCSI command to complete. See scsi_poll(9F) for a description of polled SCSI commands. Upon completion of the SCSI command the host adapter calls the completion routine provided by the target driver in the pkt_comp member of the scsi_pkt pointed to by pkt. RETURN VALUES
scsi_transport() returns: TRAN_ACCEPT The packet was accepted by the transport layer. TRAN_BUSY The packet could not be accepted because there was already a packet in progress for this target/lun, the host adapter queue was full, or the target device queue was full. TRAN_BADPKT The DMA count in the packet exceeded the DMA engine's maximum DMA size. TRAN_FATAL_ERROR A fatal error has occurred in the transport layer. CONTEXT
scsi_transport() can be called from user or interrupt context. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Using scsi_transport() if ((status = scsi_transport(rqpkt)) != TRAN_ACCEPT) { scsi_log(devp, sd_label, CE_WARN, "transport of request sense pkt fails (0x%x) ", status); } SEE ALSO
tran_start(9E), makecom(9F), scsi_init_pkt(9F), scsi_pktalloc(9F), scsi_poll(9F), scsi_pkt(9S) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.10 30 Aug 1995 scsi_transport(9F)
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