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Weather::Com::UVIndex(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				Weather::Com::UVIndex(3pm)

Weather::Com::UVIndex - class containing the uv index data SYNOPSIS
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Weather::Com::Finder; # you have to fill in your ids from here my $PartnerId = 'somepartnerid'; my $LicenseKey = 'mylicense'; my %weatherargs = ( 'partner_id' => $PartnerId, 'license' => $LicenseKey, 'language' => 'de', ); my $weather_finder = Weather::Com::Finder->new(%weatherargs); my @locations = $weather_finder->find('Heidelberg'); my $currconditions = $locations[0]->current_conditions(); print "The current uv index is ", $currconditions->uv_index()->index(), " "; print "This is relatively ", $currconditions->uv_index()->description(), " "; DESCRIPTION
Via Weather::Com::UVIndex one can access the uv index and its description (whether it's high or low). An uv index is usually an object belonging to current conditions or to a forecast (not implemented yet). This class will not be updated automatically with each call to one of its methods. You need to call the "uv_index()" method of the parent object again to update your object. CONSTRUCTOR
You usually would not construct an object of this class yourself. This is implicitely done when you call the uv_index() method of one cur- rent conditions or forecast object. METHODS
index() Returns the uv index (number). description([$language]) Returns the description whether this index is high or low. This description is translated if you specified the language option as argument while instantiating your Weather::Com::Finder. This attribute is dynamic language enabled. AUTHOR
Thomas Schnuecker, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by Thomas Schnuecker This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The data provided by and made accessible by this OO interface can be used for free under special terms. Please have a look at the application programming guide of (<>)! perl v5.8.8 2007-07-09 Weather::Com::UVIndex(3pm)

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Weather::Com::CurrentConditions(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		      Weather::Com::CurrentConditions(3pm)

Weather::Com::CurrentConditions - class containing current weather conditions SYNOPSIS
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Weather::Com::Finder; # you have to fill in your ids from here my $PartnerId = 'somepartnerid'; my $LicenseKey = 'mylicense'; my %weatherargs = ( 'partner_id' => $PartnerId, 'license' => $LicenseKey, 'language' => 'de', ); my $finder = Weather::Com::Finder->new(%weatherargs); # if you want an array of locations: my @locations = $finder->find('Heidelberg'); my $conditions = $locations[0]->current_conditions(); print "Found weather for city: ", $location->name(), " "; print "Current conditions are ", $conditions->description(), " "; print "Current temperature is ", $conditions->temperature(), "oC "; print "... as found out by observatory ", $conditions->observatory(), " "; DESCRIPTION
Using Weather::Com::CurrentCondition objects provide current weather conditions of its parent object (a location) to you. You get Weather::Com::CurrentConditions objects by calling the method "current_conditions()" of your location object. Weather::Com::CurrentConditions is a subclass of Weather::Com::Cached. An instance of this class will update itself corresponding to the caching rules any time one of its methods is called. CONSTRUCTOR
new(hash or hashref) The constructor will usually not be used directly because you get a ready to use current conditions objects from your location object. If you ever want to instantiate current conditions objects on your own, you have to provide the same configuration hash or hashref to the constructor you usually would provide to the "new()" method of Weather::Com::Finder. In addition it is necessary to add a hash element "location_id" to this config hash. The "location_id" has to be a valid location id. METHODS
id() Returns the location id used to instantiate this object. name() Returns the name of the location this current conditions belong to. description([$language]) Returns a textual representation of the current weather conditions. This description is translated if you specified the language option as argument for your Weather::Com::Finder. This attribute is dynamic language enabled. dewpoint() Returns the dewpoint. humidity() Returns the humidity (in %). icon() Returns the number of the icon that can be used to display the current weather conditions. These icons are available with the sdk. You can download this sdk from after you've registered to get your license. last_updated() Returns a Weather::Com::DateTime object containing the date and time of the last update as provided by observatory() Returns the name of the observatory that provided the current conditions to pressure() Returns a Weather::Com::AirPressure object. Please refer to Weather::Com::AirPressure for further details. temperature() Returns the temperature (depending on how you instantiated your Weather::Com::Finder you'll get centigrade (default) or degrees fahren- heit). uv_index() Returns a Weather::Com::UVIndex object. Please refer to Weather::Com::UVIndex for further details. visibility() Returns the visibility (depending on how you instantiated your Weather::Com::Finder you'll get km (default) or miles). wind() Returns a Weather::Com::Wind object. Please refer to Weather::Com::Wind for further details. windchill() Returns the windchill temperature (depending on how you instantiated your Weather::Com::Finder you'll get centigrade (default) or degrees fahrenheit). SEE ALSO
See also documentation of Weather::Com, Weather::Com::CurrentConditions, Weather::Com::Units. AUTHOR
Thomas Schnuecker, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by Thomas Schnuecker This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The data provided by and made accessible by this OO interface can be used for free under special terms. Please have a look at the application programming guide of ( perl v5.8.8 2007-07-09 Weather::Com::CurrentConditions(3pm)
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