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KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		     KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer(3pm)

KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer - customizable tokenizing SYNOPSIS
my $whitespace_tokenizer = KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer->new( token_re => qr/S+/, ); # or... my $word_char_tokenizer = KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer->new( token_re => qr/w+/, ); # or... my $apostrophising_tokenizer = KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer->new; # then... once you have a tokenizer, put it into a PolyAnalyzer my $polyanalyzer = KinoSearch1::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new( analyzers => [ $lc_normalizer, $word_char_tokenizer, $stemmer ], ); DESCRIPTION
Generically, "tokenizing" is a process of breaking up a string into an array of "tokens". # before: my $string = "three blind mice"; # after: @tokens = qw( three blind mice ); KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer decides where it should break up the text based on the value of "token_re". # before: my $string = "Eats, Shoots and Leaves."; # tokenized by $whitespace_tokenizer @tokens = qw( Eats, Shoots and Leaves. ); # tokenized by $word_char_tokenizer @tokens = qw( Eats Shoots and Leaves ); METHODS
new # match "O'Henry" as well as "Henry" and "it's" as well as "it" my $token_re = qr/  # start with a word boundary w+ # Match word chars. (?: # Group, but don't capture... 'w+ # ... an apostrophe plus word chars. )? # Matching the apostrophe group is optional.  # end with a word boundary /xsm; my $tokenizer = KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer->new( token_re => $token_re, # default: what you see above ); Constructor. Takes one hash style parameter. o token_re - must be a pre-compiled regular expression matching one token. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2005-2010 Marvin Humphrey LICENSE, DISCLAIMER, BUGS, etc. See KinoSearch1 version 1.00. perl v5.14.2 2011-11-15 KinoSearch1::Analysis::Tokenizer(3pm)

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KinoSearch1::Search::SearchClient(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		    KinoSearch1::Search::SearchClient(3pm)

Make a remote procedure call.  For every call that does not close/terminate the socket connection, expect a response back that's been serialized
using Storable.

KinoSearch1::Search::SearchClient - connect to a remote SearchServer SYNOPSIS
my $client = KinoSearch1::Search::SearchClient->new( peer_address => 'searchserver1:7890', password => $pass, analyzer => $analyzer, ); my $hits = $client->search( query => $query ); DESCRIPTION
SearchClient is a subclass of KinoSearch1::Searcher which can be used to search an index on a remote machine made accessible via SearchServer. METHODS
new Constructor. Takes hash-style params. o peer_address - The name/IP and the port number which the client should attempt to connect to. o password - Password to be supplied to the SearchServer when initializing socket connection. o analyzer - An object belonging to a subclass of KinoSearch1::Analysis::Analyzer LIMITATIONS
Limiting search results with a QueryFilter is not yet supported. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2006-2010 Marvin Humphrey LICENSE, DISCLAIMER, BUGS, etc. See KinoSearch1 version 1.00. perl v5.14.2 2011-11-15 KinoSearch1::Search::SearchClient(3pm)
Man Page

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