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graph::writer::graphviz(3pm) [debian man page]

Graph::Writer::GraphViz(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      Graph::Writer::GraphViz(3pm)

Graph::Writer::GraphViz - GraphViz Writer for Graph object SYNOPSIS
my @v = qw/Alice Bob Crude Dr/; my $g = Graph->new(@v); my $wr = Graph::Writer::GraphViz->new(-format => 'dot'); $wr->write_graph($g,'/tmp/'); my $wr_png = Graph::Writer::GraphViz->new(-format => 'png'); $wr_png->write_graph($g,'/tmp/graph.simple.png'); Graph::Writer::GraphViz->new( -format => 'png', -layout => 'twopi', -ranksep => 1.5, -fontsize => 8 -edge_color => 'grey', -node_color => 'black', )->write_graph($g,'/tmp/graph.png'); DESCRIPTION
Graph::Writer::GraphViz is a class for writing out a Graph object with GraphViz module. All GraphViz formats should be supported without a problem. METHODS
new() Unlike other Graph::Writer modules, this module provide an extra parameter '-format' to new() method, in order to save different format. Other supported GraphViz parameters are -layout, -ranksep, -shape, -fontsize, -arrowsize. Please see the SYNOPSIS for example usage. Valid format depends on those GraphViz as_fmt methods on your system, like, 'gif' if you have 'as_gif', 'text' if you can do 'as_text'. SEE ALSO
Graph, Graph::Writer, GraphViz CREDITS
Thanks for for noticing tests failure on different platforms. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2004 by Kang-min Liu <>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <> perl v5.12.4 2011-10-16 Graph::Writer::GraphViz(3pm)

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Graph::Writer::XML(3pm) 				User Contributed Perl Documentation				   Graph::Writer::XML(3pm)

Graph::Writer::XML - write out directed graph as XML SYNOPSIS
use Graph; use Graph::Writer::XML; $graph = Graph->new(); # add edges and nodes to the graph $writer = Graph::Writer::XML->new(); $writer->write_graph($graph, 'mygraph.xml'); DESCRIPTION
Graph::Writer::XML is a class for writing out a directed graph in a simple XML format. The graph must be an instance of the Graph class, which is actually a set of classes developed by Jarkko Hietaniemi. The XML format is designed to support the Graph classes: it can be used to represent a single graph with a collection of nodes, and edges between those nodes. The graph, nodes, and edges can all have attributes specified, where an attribute is a (name,value) pair, with the value being scalar. METHODS
new() Constructor - generate a new writer instance. $writer = Graph::Writer::XML->new(); This doesn't take any arguments. write_graph() Write a specific graph to a named file: $writer->write_graph($graph, $file); The $file argument can either be a filename, or a filehandle for a previously opened file. KNOWN BUGS
Attribute values must be scalar. If they're not, well, you're on your own. SEE ALSO
XML::Writer The perl module used to actually write out the XML. It handles entities etc. Graph Jarkko Hietaniemi's modules for representing directed graphs, available from CPAN under modules/by-module/Graph/ Algorithms in Perl The O'Reilly book which has a chapter on directed graphs, which is based around Jarkko's modules. Graph::Writer The base-class for Graph::Writer::XML AUTHOR
Neil Bowers <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2001-2012, Neil Bowers. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2001, Canon Research Centre Europe. All rights reserved. This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-02-14 Graph::Writer::XML(3pm)
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