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dancer::session::yaml(3pm) [debian man page]

Dancer::Session::YAML(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				Dancer::Session::YAML(3pm)

Dancer::Session::YAML - YAML-file-based session backend for Dancer DESCRIPTION
This module implements a session engine based on YAML files. Session are stored in a session_dir as YAML files. The idea behind this module was to provide a transparent session storage for the developer. This backend is intended to be used in development environments, when looking inside a session can be useful. It's not recommended to use this session engine in production environments. CONFIGURATION
The setting session should be set to "YAML" in order to use this session engine in a Dancer application. Files will be stored to the value of the setting "session_dir", whose default value is "appdir/sessions". Here is an example configuration that use this session engine and stores session files in /tmp/dancer-sessions session: "YAML" session_dir: "/tmp/dancer-sessions" METHODS
reset to avoid checking if the sessions directory exists everytime a new session is created, this module maintains a cache of session directories it has already created. "reset" wipes this cache out, forcing a test for existence of the sessions directory next time a session is created. It takes no argument. This is particulary useful if you want to remove the sessions directory on the system where your app is running, but you want this session engine to continue to work without having to restart your application. DEPENDENCY
This module depends on YAML. AUTHOR
This module has been written by Alexis Sukrieh, see the AUTHORS file for details. SEE ALSO
See Dancer::Session for details about session usage in route handlers. COPYRIGHT
This module is copyright (c) 2009 Alexis Sukrieh <> LICENSE
This module is free software and is released under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2011-11-30 Dancer::Session::YAML(3pm)

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Dancer::Engine(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				       Dancer::Engine(3pm)

Dancer::Engine - base class for Dancer engines SYNOPSIS
my $engine = Dancer::Engine->build( Serializer => 'JSON', $configuration ); DESCRIPTION
Dancer has various engines such Serializer engines, Template engines, Logger engines and Session handlers engines. This is the base class for all Dancer engines. If you're writing an engine of a common type (such as those mentioned above), you probably want to simply use their base class, which in turn use Dancer::Engine. For example, Template engines inherit from Dancer::Template::Abstract and Serializer engines inherit from Dancer::Serializer::Abstract. Those Abstract base classes inherit from Dancer::Engine. If a new type of Dancer engine is created, it is best it inherits from this class. ATTRIBUTES
name The name of the engine, such as JSON, or Simple. type The type of the engine, such as Serializer, or Session. METHODS
/SUBROUTINES config Fetches the configuration of the engine. my $configuration = $engine->config; You can only set the configuration at initialization time, not after. build Builds and returns the engine. my $engine = Dancer::Engine->build( $type => $name, $config ); AUTHOR
Copyright 2009-2010 Alexis Sukrieh. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. perl v5.14.2 2011-11-30 Dancer::Engine(3pm)
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