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cgi::application::plugin::dbiprofile::graph::html(3pm) [debian man page]

CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::HTML(3pm)	User Contributed Perl Documentation CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::HTML(3pm)

CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::HTML - VERY basic pure html vertical bar graphing for CAP:DBIProfile. SYNOPSIS
# in httpd.conf SetVar CAP_DBIPROFILE_GRAPHMODULE CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::HTML PerlSetVar CAP_DBIPROFILE_GRAPHMODULE CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::HTML DESCRIPTION
This module is provided as a basic implementation of graphing for CAP:DBIProfile. It can be used as an example to develop other, more sophisticated, graphing solutions. GRAPH PLUGIN DEVELOPMENT
The graphing plugin must have a method called "build_graph", which must accept options as a hash. It should return a scalar or scalar ref holding the HTML output needed to generate your graph. The following options will be passed to the "build_graph" method: self The cgiapp object. mode_param $self->mode_param - the runmode variable used to determine runmode (useful for creating links back to ourselves). title A textual title for your graph. You don't have to use this, but is there if you want it. ylabel Label for values we're graphing. Either "Count" or "Seconds". data An array of the datapoints to graph. tags Labels for each datapoint which match the labels that will be used on the sql statement list (1 to however many items there are). The easiest graphs to implement are fully inline - ie. it doesn't need to make any external calls (no <image> or <embed> tags and such). CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::HTML is an example of this. Other possible candidates are Plotr and Open Flash Chart (using js interface to populate data). Another inline solution is to use the <img src="data:uri"> scheme. An example of this can be found in CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::GDGraphInline. Please note, this isn't supported under MSIE. In order to generate a graph that isn't inline, you'll need to pass the data to be graphed with your call to the external object. For example, if you want to use GDGraph, you could create a separate cgi script that returns graphs based on params passed to it, and return an approapriate image tag to from your graphing module. For example: <img src="/cgi-bin/,14,42&tags=1,2,3"> Another way, would be to add a runmode in a CGI::Application "init" hook, and pass that runmode in a link back to the same script, and include your graph module in our script with a use statement. An example of this can be found in CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::SVGTT. REQUIREMENTS
L<HTML::Template> SEE ALSO
L<CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile> L<CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::GDGraphInline> L<CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::SVGTT> AUTHOR
Joshua I Miller, L<> COPYRIGHT &; LICENSE Copyright 2007 Joshua Miller, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.12.4 2011-11-10 CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIProfile::Graph::HTML(3pm)

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CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup::Timing(3pm) 	User Contributed Perl Documentation	   CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup::Timing(3pm)

CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup::Timing - show timing information about cgiapp stages VERSION
version 1.07 SYNOPSIS
use CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup; use CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup::Timing; The rest of your application follows ... Output will look roughly like this: Timings Total runtime: 3.1178 sec. Application started at: Thu Sep 22 02:55:35 2005 From To Time taken ------------------------------------------------------------------------- init prerun 0.107513 sec. prerun before expensive operation 0.000371 sec. before expensive operation after expensive operation 3.006688 sec. after expensive operation load_tmpl(dp.html) 0.000379 sec. load_tmpl(dp.html) postrun 0.002849 sec. ADD_TIMING You can add your own timing points within your application by calling the hook at "devpopup_addtiming" with a short label. The table above was created with the following code: $self->call_hook('devpopup_addtiming', 'before expensive operation'); sleep 3; $self->call_hook('devpopup_addtiming', 'after expensive operation'); SEE ALSO
CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup, CGI::Application AUTHOR
Rhesa Rozendaal, BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at < Application-Plugin-DevPopup>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. COPYRIGHT &; LICENSE Copyright 2005 Rhesa Rozendaal, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.12.4 2011-10-31 CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup::Timing(3pm)
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