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publican::treeview(3pm) [debian man page]

Publican::TreeView(3pm) 				User Contributed Perl Documentation				   Publican::TreeView(3pm)

Publican::TreeView - Dumper for XInclude project structure. VERSION
This document describes Publican::TreeView version 0.1 SYNOPSIS
use Publican; use Publican::TreeView... DESCRIPTION
Publican::TreeView displays the xi:include structure of the entire project. INTERFACE
new Create a new Publican::TreeView object. print_tree Print out a tree view of xi:includes print_unused Print out a list of XML files that are not xi:included DIAGNOSTICS
"unknown args %s" All subs with named parameters will return this error when unexpected named arguments are provided. "%s is a required argument" Any sub with a mandatory parameter will return this error if the parameter is undef. "Can't open file %s" CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT
Publican requires no configuration files or environment variables. DEPENDENCIES
Carp XML::TreeBuilder Publican File::pushd Term::ANSIColor INCOMPATIBILITIES
No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at <;component=publican>. AUTHOR
Ryan Lerch "<>" perl v5.14.2 2012-06-18 Publican::TreeView(3pm)

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Publican::TreeView(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     Publican::TreeView(3)

Publican::TreeView - Dumper for XInclude project structure. VERSION
This document describes Publican::TreeView version 0.1 SYNOPSIS
use Publican; use Publican::TreeView... DESCRIPTION
Publican::TreeView displays the xi:include structure of the entire project. INTERFACE
new Create a new Publican::TreeView object. print_tree Print out a tree view of xi:includes print_unused Print out a list of XML files that are not xi:included print_unused_images Print out a list of image files that are not used. DIAGNOSTICS
"unknown args %s" All subs with named parameters will return this error when unexpected named arguments are provided. "%s is a required argument" Any sub with a mandatory parameter will return this error if the parameter is undef. "Can't open file %s" CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT
Publican requires no configuration files or environment variables. DEPENDENCIES
Carp XML::TreeBuilder Publican File::pushd Term::ANSIColor INCOMPATIBILITIES
No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at <;component=publican>. AUTHOR
Ryan Lerch "<>" perl v5.16.3 2014-06-10 Publican::TreeView(3)
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