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pod::wsdl::fault(3pm) [debian man page]

Pod::WSDL::Fault(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     Pod::WSDL::Fault(3pm)

Pod::WSDL::Fault - Represents the WSDL pod describing the fault of a method (internal use only) SYNOPSIS
use Pod::WSDL::Fault; my $fault = new Pod::WSDL::Fault('_FAULT My::Fault This happens if something happens'); DESCRIPTION
This module is used internally by Pod::WSDL. It is unlikely that you have to interact directly with it. If that is the case, take a look at the code, it is rather simple. METHODS
new Instantiates a new Pod::WSDL::Fault. The method needs one parameter, the fault string from the pod. Please see SYNOPSIS or the section "Pod Syntax" in the description of Pod::WSDL. EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES
see Pod::WSDL BUGS
see Pod::WSDL TODO
Tarek Ahmed, <bloerch -the character every email address contains-> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2006 by Tarek Ahmed This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. perl v5.10.1 2010-12-18 Pod::WSDL::Fault(3pm)

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Pod::WSDL::Method(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				    Pod::WSDL::Method(3pm)

Pod::WSDL::Method - Represents a method in Pod::WSDL (internal use only) SYNOPSIS
use Pod::WSDL::Method; my $m = new Pod::WSDL::Method(name => 'mySub', writer => 'myWriter', doc => new Pod::WSDL::Doc($docStr), return => new Pod::WSDL::Return($retStr)); DESCRIPTION
This module is used internally by Pod::WSDL. It is unlikely that you have to interact directly with it. If that is the case, take a look at the code, it is rather simple. METHODS
new Instantiates a new Pod::WSDL::Method. Parameters o name - name of the method, mandatory o doc - a Pod::WSDL::Doc object, can be ommitted, use method doc later o return - a Pod::WSDL::Return object, can be ommitted, use method return later o params - ref to array of Pod::WSDL::Param objects, can be ommitted, use addParam() later o faults - ref to array of Pod::WSDL::Fault objects, can be ommitted, use addFault() later o oneway - if true, method is a one way operation o writer - XML::Writer-Object for output, mandatory addParam Add a Pod::WSDL::Param object to Pod::WSDL::Method addFault Add a Pod::WSDL::Fault object to Pod::WSDL::Method return Get or Set the Pod::WSDL::Return object for Pod::WSDL::Method doc Get or Set the Pod::WSDL::Doc object for Pod::WSDL::Method requestName Get name for request in XML output responseName Get name for response in XML output writeBindingOperation Write operation child for binding element in XML output writeMessages Write message elements in XML output writePortTypeOperation Write operation child for porttype element in XML output EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES
see Pod::WSDL BUGS
see Pod::WSDL TODO
Tarek Ahmed, <bloerch -the character every email address contains-> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2006 by Tarek Ahmed This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. perl v5.10.1 2010-12-18 Pod::WSDL::Method(3pm)
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