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Lingua::Stem::Fr(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     Lingua::Stem::Fr(3pm)

Lingua::Stem::Fr - Perl French Stemming SYNOPSIS
use Lingua::Stem::Fr; my $stems = Lingua::Stem::Fr::stem({ -words => $word_list_reference, -locale => 'fr', -exceptions => $exceptions_hash, }); my $stem = Lingua::Stem::Fr::stem_word( $word ); DESCRIPTION
This module use the a modified version of the Porter Stemming Algorithm to return a stemmed words. The algorithm is implemented as described in: with some improvement. The code is carefully crafted to work in conjunction with the Lingua::Stem module by Benjamin Franz. This french version is based too, on the work of Aldo Calpini (Italian Version) METHODS
o stem({ -words => @words, -locale => 'fr', -exceptions => \%exceptions }); Stems a list of passed words. Returns an anonymous list reference to the stemmed words. Example: my $stemmed_words = Lingua::Stem::Fr::stem({ -words => @words, -locale => 'fr', -exceptions => \%exceptions, }); o stem_word( $word ); Stems a single word and returns the stem directly. Example: my $stem = Lingua::Stem::Fr::stem_word( $word ); o stem_caching({ -level => 0|1|2 }); Sets the level of stem caching. '0' means 'no caching'. This is the default level. '1' means 'cache per run'. This caches stemming results during a single call to 'stem'. '2' means 'cache indefinitely'. This caches stemming results until either the process exits or the 'clear_stem_cache' method is called. o clear_stem_cache; Clears the cache of stemmed words HISTORY
0.01 Original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -ACX -n Lingua::Stem::Fr 0.02 Minor change in documentation and disable of limitation to perl 5.8.3+ SEE ALSO
You can see the French stemming algorithm from Mr Porter here : Another French stemming tool in Perl (French page) : AUTHOR
Sebastien Darribere-Pleyt, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2003 by Aldo Calpini <> Copyright (C) 2004 by Sebastien Darribere-Pleyt <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. POD ERRORS
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 563: Expected '=item *' Around line 571: Expected '=item *' Around line 583: Expected '=item *' perl v5.10.1 2007-10-23 Lingua::Stem::Fr(3pm)

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Lingua::Stem::No(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     Lingua::Stem::No(3pm)

Lingua::Stem::No - Stemming algorithm for Danish SYNOPSIS
use Lingua::Stem::No; my $stems = Lingua::Stem::No::stem({ -words => $word_list_reference, -locale => 'no', -exceptions => $exceptions_hash, }); DESCRIPTION
This routine applies a stemming slgorithm to a passed anon array of Norwegian words, returning the stemmed words as an anon array. It is a 'convienence' wrapper for 'Lingua::Stem::Snowball::No' that provides a standardized interface and caching. CHANGES
1.01 2003.09.28 - Documenation fix 1.00 2003.04.05 - Initial release METHODS
stem({ -words => @words, -locale => 'no', -exceptions => \%exceptions }); Stems a list of passed words using the rules of Danish. Returns an anonymous array reference to the stemmed words. Example: my $stemmed_words = Lingua::Stem::No::stem({ -words => @words, -locale => 'no', -exceptions => \%exceptions, }); stem_caching({ -level => 0|1|2 }); Sets the level of stem caching. '0' means 'no caching'. This is the default level. '1' means 'cache per run'. This caches stemming results during a single call to 'stem'. '2' means 'cache indefinitely'. This caches stemming results until either the process exits or the 'clear_stem_cache' method is called. clear_stem_cache; Clears the cache of stemmed words NOTES
This code is a wrapper around Lingua::Stem::Snowball::No written by Ask Solem Hoel, <> SEE ALSO
Lingua::Stem Lingua::Stem::Snowball::No AUTHOR
Integration in Lingua::Stem by Benjamin Franz, FreeRun Technologies, or COPYRIGHT
Benjamin Franz, FreeRun Technologies This code is freely available under the same terms as Perl. BUGS
perl v5.10.1 2007-10-23 Lingua::Stem::No(3pm)
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