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graphics::primitive::componentlist(3pm) [debian man page]

Graphics::Primitive::ComponentList(3pm) 		User Contributed Perl Documentation		   Graphics::Primitive::ComponentList(3pm)

Graphics::Primitive::ComponentList - List of Components DESCRIPTION
Maintains a list of components and their constraints. This is implemented as a class to provide functionality above and beyond a simple array. SYNOPSIS
my $c = Graphics::Primitive::ComponentList->new; $c->add_component($comp, $constraint); my $cindex = $c->find_component($comp->name); METHODS
Constructor new Creates a new Container. Instance Methods add_component ($component, $constraint) Add a component to the list. Returns a true value if the component was added successfully. A second argument may be required, please consult the POD for your specific layout manager implementation. Before the component is added, it is passed to the validate_component method. If validate_component does not return a true value, then the component is not added. clear Reset components and constraints to empty arrayrefs. component_count Returns the number of components in this list. constraint_count Returns the number of constraints in this list. each Calls the supplied CODEREF for each component in this list, passing the component and it's constraints as arguments. my $flist = $list->each( sub{ my ($component, $constraint) = @_; $comp->class('foo) } ); find Returns a new ComponentList containing only the components for which the supplied CODEREF returns true. The coderef is called for each component and is passed the component and it's constraints. Undefined components (the ones left around after a remove_component) are automatically skipped. my $flist = $list->find( sub{ my ($component, $constraint) = @_; return $comp->class eq 'foo' } ); If no matching components are found then a new list is returned so that simple calls liked $container->find(...)->each(...) don't explode. find_component Returns the index of the first component with the supplied name. Returns undef if no component with that name is found. get_component Get the component at the specified index. get_constraint Get the constraint at the specified index. remove_component Removes a component and it's constraint. Components must have names to be removed. Returns an arrayref of Components that were removed. AUTHOR
Copyright 2008-2009 by Cory G Watson. BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-geometry-primitive at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. COPYRIGHT &; LICENSE Copyright 2008-2009 by Cory G Watson. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.12.3 2010-08-21 Graphics::Primitive::ComponentList(3pm)

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Graphics::Primitive::Canvas(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			  Graphics::Primitive::Canvas(3pm)

Graphics::Primitive::Canvas - Component composed of paths DESCRIPTION
Graphics::Primitive::Canvas is a component for drawing arbitrary things. It holds Paths and Operations. SYNOPSIS
use Graphics::Primitive::Canvas; my $canvas = Graphics::Primitive::Canvas->new; $canvas->move_to($point); # or just $x, $y $canvas->do($op); DESCRIPTION
The Canvas is a container for multiple Paths. It has a path that is the operative path for all path-related methods. You can treat the Canvas as if it was a path, calling methods like line_to or move_to. When you are ready to perform an operation on the path, call the do method with the operation you want to call as an argument. Drawing a line and stroking it would look like: $canvas->move_to(0, 0); $canvas->line_to(10, 10); my $op = Graphics::Primitive::Operation::Stroke->new; $stroke->brush->color( Graphics::Color::RGB->new(red => 0, blue => 1, green => 1) ); $canvas->do($op); When you instantiate a Canvas a newly instantiated path resides in path. After you call do that current path is moved to the paths list and new path is placed in current_path. If you want to keep the path around you can call save before do then call restore to put a saved copy of the path back into path. METHODS
Constructor new Creates a new Graphics::Primitive::Canvas Instance Methods do Given an operation, pushes the current path onto the path stack. FIXME: Example path The current path this canvas is using. path_count Count of paths in paths. paths Arrayref of hashrefs representing paths combined with their operations: [ { path => $path, op => $op }, ] restore Replace the current path by popping the top path from the saved path list. save Copy the current path and push it onto the stack of saved paths. saved_paths List of saved paths. Add to the list with save and pop from it using restore. saved_path_count Count of paths saved in saved_paths. AUTHOR
Cory Watson <> COPYRIGHT &; LICENSE Copyright 2008-2010 by Cory G Watson. You can redistribute and/or modify this code under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.12.3 2010-08-21 Graphics::Primitive::Canvas(3pm)
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