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gnome2::icontheme(3pm) [debian man page]

Gnome2::IconTheme(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				    Gnome2::IconTheme(3pm)

Gnome2::IconTheme - wrapper for GnomeIconTheme HIERARCHY
Glib::Object +----Gnome2::IconTheme METHODS
icontheme = Gnome2::IconTheme->new boolean = $theme->get_allow_svg $theme->set_allow_svg ($allow_svg) o $allow_svg (boolean) $theme->append_search_path ($path) o $path (string) $theme->set_custom_theme ($theme_name) o $theme_name (string) string = $theme->get_example_icon_name boolean = $theme->has_icon ($icon_name) o $icon_name (string) list = $theme->list_icons ($context=undef) o $context (string) Returns a list of icons. list = $icon_theme->lookup ($thumbnail_factory, $file_uri, $custom_icon, $file_info, $mime_type, $flags) o $thumbnail_factory (Gnome2::ThumbnailFactory or undef) o $file_uri (string) o $custom_icon (scalar) o $file_info (Gnome2::VFS::FileInfo) o $mime_type (string) o $flags (Gnome2::IconLookupFlags) Returns the icon name and a GnomeIconLookupFlags. list = $theme->lookup_icon ($icon_name, $size) o $icon_name (string) o $size (integer) Returns the filename, the icon data and the base size. list = $icon_theme->lookup_sync ($thumbnail_factory, $file_uri, $custom_icon, $flags) o $thumbnail_factory (Gnome2::ThumbnailFactory or undef) o $file_uri (string) o $custom_icon (scalar) o $flags (Gnome2::IconLookupFlags) Returns the icon name and a GnomeIconLookupFlags. $theme->prepend_search_path ($path) o $path (string) boolean = $theme->rescan_if_needed list = $theme->get_search_path Returns a list of paths. $theme->set_search_path (...) o ... (list) of paths SIGNALS
changed (Gnome2::IconTheme) ENUMS AND FLAGS
flags Gnome2::IconLookupFlags o 'none' / 'GNOME_ICON_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE' o 'embedding-text' / 'GNOME_ICON_LOOKUP_FLAGS_EMBEDDING_TEXT' o 'show-small-images-as-themselves' / 'GNOME_ICON_LOOKUP_FLAGS_SHOW_SMALL_IMAGES_AS_THEMSELVES' o 'allow-svg-as-themselves' / 'GNOME_ICON_LOOKUP_FLAGS_ALLOW_SVG_AS_THEMSELVES' SEE ALSO
Gnome2, Glib::Object COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by the gtk2-perl team. This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gnome2 for a full notice. perl v5.14.2 2011-11-16 Gnome2::IconTheme(3pm)

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Gnome2::UIDefs(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				       Gnome2::UIDefs(3pm)

Gnome2::UIDefs METHODS
scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_clear scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_close scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_close_window scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_copy scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_cut scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_find scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_find_again scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_new scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_new_game scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_new_window scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_open scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_paste scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_pause_game scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_print scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_print_setup scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_quit scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_redo scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_redo_move scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_replace scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_save scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_save_as scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_select_all scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_undo scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_mod_undo_move scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_clear scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_close scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_close_window scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_copy scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_cut scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_find scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_find_again scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_new scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_new_game scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_new_window scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_open scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_paste scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_pause_game scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_print scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_print_setup scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_quit scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_redo scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_redo_move scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_replace scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_save scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_save_as scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_select_all scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_undo scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->key_name_undo_move scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->pad scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->pad_big scalar = Gnome2::UIDefs->pad_small SEE ALSO
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by the gtk2-perl team. This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gnome2 for a full notice. perl v5.14.2 2011-11-16 Gnome2::UIDefs(3pm)
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