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devel::cover::report::html_minimal(3pm) [debian man page]

Devel::Cover::Report::Html_minimal(3pm) 		User Contributed Perl Documentation		   Devel::Cover::Report::Html_minimal(3pm)

Devel::Cover::Report::Html_minimal - Backend for HTML reporting of coverage statistics VERSION
version 0.89 SYNOPSIS
cover -report html_minimal DESCRIPTION
This module provides a HTML reporting mechanism for coverage data. It is designed to be called from the "cover" program. Based on an original by Paul Johnson, the output was greatly improved by Michael Carman ( OPTIONS
Options are specified by adding the appropriate flags to the "cover" program. This report format supports the following: outputfile Specifies the filename of the main output file. The default is coverage.html. Specify index.html if you just want to publish the whole directory. pod Includes POD (and blank lines) in the file report. This is on by default. It may be turned off with -nopod. data Includes text after the "__DATA__" or "__END__" tokens in the file report. By default, this text is trimmed. Note: If your POD is after an "__END__", you have to specify 'data' to include it, not 'pod'. The 'pod' option only applies to POD before the "__END__". unified Generates a "unified" report for each file. The detailed data that normally appears in the auxiliary reports (branch, condition, etc.) are placed in the file report, and the auxiliary reports are not generated. summarytitle Specify the title of the summary. The default is "Coverage Summary". SEE ALSO
Devel::Cover LICENCE
Copyright 2001-2012, Paul Johnson ( This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: perl v5.14.2 2012-06-16 Devel::Cover::Report::Html_minimal(3pm)

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Devel::Cover::Truth_Table(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			    Devel::Cover::Truth_Table(3pm)

Devel::Cover::Truth_Table - Create and manipulate truth tables for coverage objects. VERSION
version 0.89 SYNOPSIS
use Devel::Cover::Truth_Table; # $a || $b my $or_tt = Devel::Cover::Truth_Table->new_primitive('or_3', 0, 1, 1); # $c && $d my $and_tt = Devel::Cover::Truth_Table->new_primitive('and_3', 1, 0, 1); # merge contents of $and_tt into right column of $or_tt, to create # $a || ($c && $d) $or_tt->right_merge($and_tt); # get a (sorted) textual representation my @text = $or_tt->sort->text; print "$_ " foreach @text; __END__ A B C |exp|hit -------------- 0 0 X | 0 |--- 0 1 0 | 0 |--- 0 1 1 | 1 |+++ 1 X X | 1 |+++ -------------- DESCRIPTION
This module provides methods for creating and merging conditional primitives ("$a && $b", "$c || $d", etc.) into more complex composite expressions. METHODS
new_primitive($op, @coverage) Create a new truth table based on one of the built-in primitives, which are the subclasses of Devel::Cover::DB::Condition. $op is one of the following: and_3 "and" or "&&" with three conditional paths. or_3 "or" or "||" with three conditional paths. or_2 "or" or "||" with two conditional paths. (i.e., when the right hand side of the expression is a constant) xor_4 "xor" with four conditional paths. @coverage is a list booleans identifying which of the possible paths have been covered. sort() Sorts a truth table (in place) and returns the sorted object. text() Format a truth table to an array of strings for printing. html() Format a truth table in HTML. error() percentage() Determines the proportion of possible conditions that have coverage. right_merge($sub_table) Merge entries from $sub_table into right column of table. left_merge($sub_table) Merge entries from $sub_table into left column of table. SEE ALSO
Devel::Cover BUGS
None that I'm aware of... LICENSE
Copyright 2002 Michael Carman <> This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. The latest version should be available from: perl v5.14.2 2012-06-16 Devel::Cover::Truth_Table(3pm)
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