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catalyst::actionrole::needslogin(3pm) [debian man page]

Catalyst::ActionRole::NeedsLogin(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		     Catalyst::ActionRole::NeedsLogin(3pm)

Catalyst::ActionRole::NeedsLogin - checks if a user is logged in and if not redirects him to login page SYNOPSIS
package MyApp::Controller::NeedsAuth; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; # One needs to inherit from Catalyst::Controller in order # to get the Does('NeedsLogin') functionality. BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; } sub inbox : Path Does('NeedsLogin') { # Redirects to /login if not logged in my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->stash->{template} = "inbox.tt2"; return; } sub inbox : Path Does('NeedsLogin') :LoginRedirectMessage('Your custom Message') { # Redirects to /login if not logged in- } # Turn on in config MyApp->config('Contoller::Login' => { traits => ['WithRedirect'] }); DESCRIPTION
Provides a ActionRole for forcing the user to login. WRAPPED METHODS
execute If there is no logged-in user, call the login_redirect() method in the 'Login' controller with the Catalyst context object, $c, and the message specified by the ":LoginRedirectMessage('Message here')" method attribute (see the synopsis). If there is a user logged-in (i.e: "$c->user" is true), execute the body of the action as it is. SEE ALSO
CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::WithRedirect CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Controller::Login CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Form::Login AUTHORS
See CatalystX::SimpleLogin for authors. LICENSE
See CatalystX::SimpleLogin for license. perl v5.14.2 2012-07-15 Catalyst::ActionRole::NeedsLogin(3pm)

Check Out this Related Man Page

CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::WitUseriContributed PerCatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::WithRedirect(3pm)

CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::WithRedirect - redirect users who login back to the page they originally requested. SYNOPSIS
package MyApp::Controller::NeedsAuth; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; # One needs to inherit from Catalyst::Controller in order # to get the Does('NeedsLogin') functionality. BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; } sub inbox : Path Does('NeedsLogin') { # Redirects to /login if not logged in my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->stash->{template} = "inbox.tt2"; return; } # Turn on in config MyApp->config('Contoller::Login' => { traits => 'WithRedirect' }); DESCRIPTION
Provides the "login" action with a wrapper to redirect to a page which needs authentication, from which the user was previously redirected. Goes hand in hand with Catalyst::ActionRole::NeedsLogin WRAPPED METHODS
redirect_after_login_uri Make it use and extract "$c->session->{redirect_to_after_login}" if it exists. METHODS
$controller->login_redirect($c, $message) This sets the error message to $message and sets "$c->session->{redirect_to_after_login}" to the current URL. SEE ALSO
CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Controller::Login CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Form::Login AUTHORS
See CatalystX::SimpleLogin for authors. LICENSE
See CatalystX::SimpleLogin for license. perl v5.14.2 2012-07-CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::WithRedirect(3pm)
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