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cgi::session::driver::postgresql(3pm) [debian man page]

CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		     CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql(3pm)

CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql - PostgreSQL driver for CGI::Session SYNOPSIS
use CGI::Session; $session = CGI::Session->new("driver:PostgreSQL", undef, {Handle=>$dbh}); DESCRIPTION
CGI::Session::PostgreSQL is a CGI::Session driver to store session data in a PostgreSQL table. STORAGE
Before you can use any DBI-based session drivers you need to make sure compatible database table is created for CGI::Session to work with. Following command will produce minimal requirements in most SQL databases: CREATE TABLE sessions ( id CHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, a_session BYTEA NOT NULL ); and within your code use: use CGI::Session; $session = CGI::Session->new("driver:PostgreSQL", undef, {Handle=>$dbh, ColumnType=>"binary"}); Please note the ColumnType argument. PostgreSQL's text type has problems when trying to hold a null character. (Known as "" in Perl, not to be confused with SQL NULL). If you know there is no chance of ever having a null character in the serialized data, you can leave off the ColumnType attribute. Using a BYTEA column type and "ColumnType => 'binary'" is recommended when using Storable as the serializer or if there's any possibility that a null value will appear in any of the serialized data. To use different column names, change the 'create table' statement, and then simply do this: $s = CGI::Session->new('driver:pg', undef, { TableName=>'session', IdColName=>'my_id', DataColName=>'my_data', DataSource=>'dbi:pg:dbname=project', }); or $s = CGI::Session->new('driver:pg', undef, { TableName=>'session', IdColName=>'my_id', DataColName=>'my_data', Handle=>$dbh, }); For more details see CGI::Session::Driver::DBI, parent class. Also see sqlite driver, which exercises different method for dealing with binary data. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2002 Cosimo Streppone. All rights reserved. This library is free software and can be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHORS
Cosimo Streppone <>, heavily based on the CGI::Session::MySQL driver by Sherzod Ruzmetov, original author of CGI::Session. Matt LeBlanc contributed significant updates for the 4.0 release. LICENSING
For additional support and licensing see CGI::Session perl v5.12.4 2011-07-08 CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql(3pm)

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CGI::Session::Driver::DBI(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      CGI::Session::Driver::DBI(3)

CGI::Session::Driver::DBI - Base class for native DBI-related CGI::Session drivers SYNOPSIS
require CGI::Session::Driver::DBI; @ISA = qw( CGI::Session::Driver::DBI ); DESCRIPTION
In most cases you can create a new DBI-driven CGI::Session driver by simply creating an empty driver file that inherits from CGI::Session::Driver::DBI. That's exactly what sqlite does. The only reason why this class doesn't suit for a valid driver is its name isn't in lowercase. I'm serious! NOTES CGI::Session::Driver::DBI defines init() method, which makes DBI handle available for drivers in Handle - object attribute regardless of what "\%dsn_args" were used in creating session object. Should your driver require non-standard initialization you have to re-define init() method in your .pm file, but make sure to set 'Handle' - object attribute to database handle (returned by DBI->connect(...)) if you wish to inherit any of the methods from CGI::Session::Driver::DBI. STORAGE
Before you can use any DBI-based session drivers you need to make sure compatible database table is created for CGI::Session to work with. Following command will produce minimal requirements in most SQL databases: CREATE TABLE sessions ( id CHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, a_session TEXT NOT NULL ); Your session table can define additional columns, but the above two are required. Name of the session table is expected to be sessions by default. You may use a different name if you wish. To do this you have to pass TableName as part of your " \%dsn_args ": $s = new CGI::Session('driver:sqlite', undef, {TableName=>'my_sessions'}); $s = new CGI::Session('driver:mysql', undef, { TableName=>'my_sessions', DataSource=>'dbi:mysql:shopping_cart'. }); To use different column names, change the 'create table' statement, and then simply do this: $s = new CGI::Session('driver:pg', undef, { TableName=>'session', IdColName=>'my_id', DataColName=>'my_data', DataSource=>'dbi:pg:dbname=project', }); or $s = new CGI::Session('driver:pg', undef, { TableName=>'session', IdColName=>'my_id', DataColName=>'my_data', Handle=>$dbh, }); DRIVER ARGUMENTS
Following driver arguments are supported: DataSource First argument to be passed to DBI->connect(). If the driver makes the database connection itself, it will also explicitly disconnect from the database when the driver object is DESTROYed. User User privileged to connect to the database defined in "DataSource". Password Password of the User privileged to connect to the database defined in "DataSource" Handle An existing DBI database handle object. The handle can be created on demand by providing a code reference as a argument, such as "<sub{DBI-"connect}>>. This way, the database connection is only created if it actually needed. This can be useful when combined with a framework plugin like CGI::Application::Plugin::Session, which creates a CGI::Session object on demand as well. "Handle" will override all the above arguments, if any present. TableName Name of the table session data will be stored in. LICENSING
For support and licensing information see CGI::Session perl v5.16.3 2008-07-16 CGI::Session::Driver::DBI(3)
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