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sockets.recvbytes(3kaya) [debian man page]

Sockets.recvBytes(3kaya)				       Kaya module reference					  Sockets.recvBytes(3kaya)

Sockets::recvBytes - Receive binary data from a socket SYNOPSIS
Binary recvBytes( Socket s, Int maxlen=1024, Int timeout=1000000 ) ARGUMENTS
s The socket maxlen The maximum number of bytes to receive. This must be a positive integer (the default is 1024) timeout The time to wait for data in microseconds before giving up (the default is 1000000, or 1 second) DESCRIPTION
Receive binary data from a socket. AUTHORS
Kaya standard library by Edwin Brady, Chris Morris and others ( For further information see LICENSE
The Kaya standard library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (version 2.1 or any later version) as published by the Free Software Foundation. RELATED
Binary.Binary(3kaya) Sockets.Socket(3kaya) Sockets.pending(3kaya) Sockets.sendBytes(3kaya) Sockets.recv(3kaya) Sockets.recvByte(3kaya) Kaya October 2012 Sockets.recvBytes(3kaya)

Check Out this Related Man Page

Net.recvBytes(3kaya)					       Kaya module reference					      Net.recvBytes(3kaya)

Net::recvBytes - Recieve binary data from a connection. SYNOPSIS
Binary recvBytes( NetHandle h, Int maxlen=1024, Int timeout=0 ) ARGUMENTS
h The connection maxlen The maximum number of bytes to read. This argument must be a positive integer timeout The number of microseconds to wait without input before timing out. The default is zero. DESCRIPTION
Reads up to maxlen bytes from the connection as binary data, and times out after timeout microseconds. This function does not yet support TLS connections. AUTHORS
Kaya standard library by Edwin Brady, Chris Morris and others ( For further information see LICENSE
The Kaya standard library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (version 2.1 or any later version) as published by the Free Software Foundation. RELATED
Binary.Binary(3kaya) Net.NetHandle(3kaya) Net.accept(3kaya) Net.connect(3kaya) Net.microPending(3kaya) Net.microRecv(3kaya) Net.pending(3kaya) Net.recv(3kaya) Net.recvByte(3kaya) Net.send(3kaya) Kaya October 2012 Net.recvBytes(3kaya)
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