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rfio_mkdir(3) [debian man page]

RFIO_MKDIR(3)						      Rfio Library Functions						     RFIO_MKDIR(3)

rfio_mkdir - create a new directory SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include "rfio_api.h" int rfio_mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode); DESCRIPTION
rfio_mkdir creates a new directory. An entry is created and the directory's owner ID is set to the effective user ID of the requestor. The group ID of the directory is set to the effective group ID of the requestor. path specifies the logical pathname relative to the current directory or the full pathname. RETURN VALUE
This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately. ERRORS
ENOENT A component of path prefix does not exist or path is a null pathname. EACCES Search permission is denied on a component of the path prefix or write permission on the parent directory is denied. EFAULT path is a NULL pointer. EEXIST path exists already. ENOTDIR A component of path prefix is not a directory. ENOSPC No space to store the new directory. ENAMETOOLONG The length of path exceeds CA_MAXPATHLEN or the length of a path component exceeds CA_MAXNAMELEN. SENOSHOST Host unknown. SENOSSERV Service unknown. SECOMERR Communication error. SEE ALSO
Castor_limits(4), rfio_chmod(3) AUTHOR
LCG Grid Deployment Team LCG
$Date: 2005/03/31 13:13:03 $ RFIO_MKDIR(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DPNS_MKDIR(3)						      DPNS Library Functions						     DPNS_MKDIR(3)

dpns_mkdir - create a new DPNS directory in the name server SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include "dpns_api.h" int dpns_mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode) DESCRIPTION
dpns_mkdir creates a new DPNS directory in the name server. An entry is created in the name server database and the directory's owner ID is set to the effective user ID of the requestor. The group ID of the directory is set to the effective group ID of the requestor or is taken from the parent directory if the latter has the S_ISGID bit set. The access permission bits for the directory are taken from mode, then all bits set in the requestor's file mode creation mask are cleared (see dpns_umask(3)). The S_ISGID, S_ISUID and S_ISVTX bits are silently cleared. path specifies the logical pathname relative to the current DPNS directory or the full DPNS pathname. RETURN VALUE
This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately. ERRORS
ENOENT A component of path prefix does not exist or path is a null pathname. EACCES Search permission is denied on a component of the path prefix or write permission on the parent directory is denied. EFAULT path is a NULL pointer. EEXIST path exists already. ENOTDIR A component of path prefix is not a directory. ENOSPC The name server database is full. ENAMETOOLONG The length of path exceeds CA_MAXPATHLEN or the length of a path component exceeds CA_MAXNAMELEN. SENOSHOST Host unknown. SENOSSERV Service unknown. SECOMERR Communication error. ENSNACT Name server is not running or is being shutdown. SEE ALSO
Castor_limits(4), dpns_chdir(3), dpns_chmod(3), dpns_umask(3) AUTHOR
LCG Grid Deployment Team DPNS
$Date: 2001/10/04 12:12:45 $ DPNS_MKDIR(3)
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