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avc_cache_stats(3) [debian man page]

avc_cache_stats(3)					     SELinux API documentation						avc_cache_stats(3)

avc_cache_stats, avc_av_stats, avc_sid_stats - obtain userspace SELinux AVC statistics. SYNOPSIS
#include <selinux/selinux.h> #include <selinux/avc.h> void avc_av_stats(void); void avc_sid_stats(void); void avc_cache_stats(struct avc_cache_stats *stats); DESCRIPTION
The userspace AVC maintains two internal hash tables, one to store security ID's and one to cache access decisions. avc_av_stats and avc_sid_stats produce log messages indicating the status of the access decision and SID tables, respectively. The mes- sages contain the number of entries in the table, number of hash buckets and number of buckets used, and maximum number of entries in a single bucket. avc_cache_stats populates a structure whose fields reflect cache activity: struct avc_cache_stats { unsigned entry_lookups; unsigned entry_hits; unsigned entry_misses; unsigned entry_discards; unsigned cav_lookups; unsigned cav_hits; unsigned cav_probes; unsigned cav_misses; }; entry_lookups Number of queries made. entry_hits Number of times a decision was found in the aeref argument. entry_misses Number of times a decision was not found in the aeref argument. entry_discards Number of times a decision was not found in the aeref argument and the aeref argument was non-NULL. cav_lookups Number of cache lookups. cav_hits Number of cache hits. cav_misses Number of cache misses. cav_probes Number of entries examined while searching the cache. NOTES
When the cache is flushed as a result of a call to avc_reset or a policy change notification, the statistics returned by avc_cache_stats are reset to zero. The SID table, however, is left unchanged. When a policy change notification is received, a call to avc_av_stats is made before the cache is flushed. AUTHOR
Eamon Walsh <> SEE ALSO
avc_init(3), avc_has_perm(3), avc_context_to_sid(3), avc_add_callback(3) selinux(8) 27 May 2004 avc_cache_stats(3)

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avc_cache_stats(3)					     SELinux API documentation						avc_cache_stats(3)

avc_cache_stats, avc_av_stats, avc_sid_stats - obtain userspace SELinux AVC statistics. SYNOPSIS
#include <selinux/selinux.h> #include <selinux/avc.h> void avc_av_stats(void); void avc_sid_stats(void); void avc_cache_stats(struct avc_cache_stats *stats); DESCRIPTION
The userspace AVC maintains two internal hash tables, one to store security ID's and one to cache access decisions. avc_av_stats and avc_sid_stats produce log messages indicating the status of the access decision and SID tables, respectively. The mes- sages contain the number of entries in the table, number of hash buckets and number of buckets used, and maximum number of entries in a single bucket. avc_cache_stats populates a structure whose fields reflect cache activity: struct avc_cache_stats { unsigned entry_lookups; unsigned entry_hits; unsigned entry_misses; unsigned entry_discards; unsigned cav_lookups; unsigned cav_hits; unsigned cav_probes; unsigned cav_misses; }; entry_lookups Number of queries made. entry_hits Number of times a decision was found in the aeref argument. entry_misses Number of times a decision was not found in the aeref argument. entry_discards Number of times a decision was not found in the aeref argument and the aeref argument was non-NULL. cav_lookups Number of cache lookups. cav_hits Number of cache hits. cav_misses Number of cache misses. cav_probes Number of entries examined while searching the cache. NOTES
When the cache is flushed as a result of a call to avc_reset or a policy change notification, the statistics returned by avc_cache_stats are reset to zero. The SID table, however, is left unchanged. When a policy change notification is received, a call to avc_av_stats is made before the cache is flushed. AUTHOR
Eamon Walsh <> SEE ALSO
avc_init(3), avc_has_perm(3), avc_context_to_sid(3), avc_add_callback(3) selinux(8) 27 May 2004 avc_cache_stats(3)
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