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xtappgeterrordatabase(3) [debian man page]

XtAppGetErrorDatabase(3)					   XT FUNCTIONS 					  XtAppGetErrorDatabase(3)

XtAppGetErrorDatabase, XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText - obtain error database SYNTAX
XrmDatabase *XtAppGetErrorDatabase(XtAppContext app_context); void XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText(XtAppContext app_context, char *name, char *type, char *class, char *default, char *buffer_return, int nbytes, XrmDatabase database); ARGUMENTS
app_context Specifies the application context. buffer_return Specifies the buffer into which the error message is to be returned. class Specifies the resource class of the error message. database Specifies the name of the alternative database that is to be used or NULL if the application's database is to be used. default Specifies the default message to use. name type Specifies the name and type that are concatenated to form the resource name of the error message. nbytes Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. DESCRIPTION
The XtAppGetErrorDatabase function returns the address of the error database. The Intrinsics do a lazy binding of the error database and do not merge in the database file until the first call to XtAppGetErrorDatbaseText. The XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText returns the appropriate message from the error database or returns the specified default message if one is not found in the error database. SEE ALSO
XtAppError(3), XtAppErrorMsg(3) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.1.3 XtAppGetErrorDatabase(3)

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XtAppGetErrorDatabase(3)					   XT FUNCTIONS 					  XtAppGetErrorDatabase(3)

XtAppGetErrorDatabase, XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText - obtain error database SYNTAX
XrmDatabase *XtAppGetErrorDatabase(XtAppContext app_context); void XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText(XtAppContext app_context, char *name, char *type, char *class, char *default, char *buffer_return, int nbytes, XrmDatabase database); ARGUMENTS
app_context Specifies the application context. buffer_return Specifies the buffer into which the error message is to be returned. class Specifies the resource class of the error message. database Specifies the name of the alternative database that is to be used or NULL if the application's database is to be used. default Specifies the default message to use. name type Specifies the name and type that are concatenated to form the resource name of the error message. nbytes Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. DESCRIPTION
The XtAppGetErrorDatabase function returns the address of the error database. The Intrinsics do a lazy binding of the error database and do not merge in the database file until the first call to XtAppGetErrorDatbaseText. The XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText returns the appropriate message from the error database or returns the specified default message if one is not found in the error database. SEE ALSO
XtAppError(3), XtAppErrorMsg(3) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.1.3 XtAppGetErrorDatabase(3)
Man Page

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