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gearman_client_do_status(3) [debian man page]


gearman_client_do_status - Gearmand Documentation, SYNOPSIS
#include <libgearman/gearman.h> gearman_client_st gearman_task_context_free_fn int gearman_client_timeout(gearman_client_st *client) void gearman_client_set_timeout(gearman_client_st *client, int timeout) void *gearman_client_context(const gearman_client_st *client) void gearman_client_set_context(gearman_client_st *client, void *context) void gearman_client_set_workload_malloc_fn(gearman_client_st *client, gearman_malloc_fn *function, void *context) Deprecated since version 0.23: Use gearman_allocator_t void gearman_client_set_workload_free_fn(gearman_client_st *client, gearman_free_fn *function, void *context) Deprecated since version 0.23: Use gearman_allocator_t void gearman_client_task_free_all(gearman_client_st *client) void gearman_client_set_task_context_free_fn(gearman_client_st *client, gearman_task_context_free_fn *function) Link with -lgearman DESCRIPTION
gearman_client_st is used for client communication with the server. gearman_client_context() and gearman_client_set_context() can be used to store an arbitrary object for the user. gearman_client_set_task_context_free_fn() sets a trigger that will be called when a gearman_task_st is released. gearman_client_timeout() and gearman_client_set_timeout() get and set the current timeout value, in milliseconds, for the client. Normally malloc(3) and free(3) are used for allocation and releasing workloads. gearman_client_set_workload_malloc_fn() and gearman_client_set_workload_free_fn() can be used to replace these with custom functions. (These have been deprecated, please see gear- man_allocator_t for the updated interface. gearman_client_task_free_all() is used to free all current gearman_task_st that have been created with the gearman_client_st. Warning By calling gearman_client_task_free_all() you can end up with a SEGFAULT if you try to use any gearman_task_st that you have kept pointers too. RETURN VALUE
gearman_client_timeout() returns an integer representing the amount of time in milliseconds. A value of -1 means an infinite timeout value. See poll(3) for more details. HOME
To find out more information please check: See also gearmand(8) libgearman(3) gearman_client_create(3) AUTHOR
Data Differential COPYRIGHT
2012, Data Differential, 0.33 May 04, 2012 GEARMAN_CLIENT_DO_STATUS(3)

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gearman_client_set_task_context_free_fn - Gearmand Documentation, SYNOPSIS
#include <libgearman/gearman.h> gearman_client_st gearman_task_context_free_fn int gearman_client_timeout(gearman_client_st *client) void gearman_client_set_timeout(gearman_client_st *client, int timeout) void *gearman_client_context(const gearman_client_st *client) void gearman_client_set_context(gearman_client_st *client, void *context) void gearman_client_set_workload_malloc_fn(gearman_client_st *client, gearman_malloc_fn *function, void *context) Deprecated since version 0.23: Use gearman_allocator_t void gearman_client_set_workload_free_fn(gearman_client_st *client, gearman_free_fn *function, void *context) Deprecated since version 0.23: Use gearman_allocator_t void gearman_client_task_free_all(gearman_client_st *client) void gearman_client_set_task_context_free_fn(gearman_client_st *client, gearman_task_context_free_fn *function) Link with -lgearman DESCRIPTION
gearman_client_st is used for client communication with the server. gearman_client_context() and gearman_client_set_context() can be used to store an arbitrary object for the user. gearman_client_set_task_context_free_fn() sets a trigger that will be called when a gearman_task_st is released. gearman_client_timeout() and gearman_client_set_timeout() get and set the current timeout value, in milliseconds, for the client. Normally malloc(3) and free(3) are used for allocation and releasing workloads. gearman_client_set_workload_malloc_fn() and gearman_client_set_workload_free_fn() can be used to replace these with custom functions. (These have been deprecated, please see gear- man_allocator_t for the updated interface. gearman_client_task_free_all() is used to free all current gearman_task_st that have been created with the gearman_client_st. Warning By calling gearman_client_task_free_all() you can end up with a SEGFAULT if you try to use any gearman_task_st that you have kept pointers too. RETURN VALUE
gearman_client_timeout() returns an integer representing the amount of time in milliseconds. A value of -1 means an infinite timeout value. See poll(3) for more details. HOME
To find out more information please check: See also gearmand(8) libgearman(3) gearman_client_create(3) AUTHOR
Data Differential COPYRIGHT
2012, Data Differential, 0.33 May 04, 2012 GEARMAN_CLIENT_SET_TASK_CONTEXT_FREE_FN(3)
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