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general(1grass) 						Grass User's Manual						   general(1grass)

GRASS GIS 6.4.2 Reference Manual
       Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS, is a <a href="
       tion_system">Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps  produc-
       tion, spatial modeling, and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings around the world, as well as by many
       governmental agencies and environmental consulting companies.

       This reference manual details the use of modules distributed with Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS), an open source (GNU
       GPL'ed), image processing and geographic information system (GIS).  Go back to help overview
       general commands:
	    | g.access	   | Controls access to the current mapset for other users on the system.
	    | g.ask   | Prompts the user for the names of GRASS data base files.
	    |  g.copy	| Copies available data files in the user's current mapset search path and location to the appropriate element directories
       under the user's current mapset.
	    | g.dirseps    | Internal GRASS utility for converting directory separator characters.
	    | g.extension  | Tool to maintain GRASS extensions in local GRASS installation.
	    | g.filename   | Prints GRASS data base file names.
	    | g.findetc    | Searches for GRASS support files.
	    | g.findfile   | Searches for GRASS data base files and sets variables for the shell.
	    | g.gisenv	   | Outputs and modifies the user's current GRASS variable settings.
	    | g.gui   | Launches a GRASS graphical user interface (GUI) session.
	    | g.list  | Lists available GRASS data base files of the user-specified data type.
	    | g.manual	   | Display the HTML man pages of GRASS
	    | g.mapset	   | Changes current mapset.
	    | g.mapsets    | Modifies the user's current mapset search path.
	    | g.message    | Prints a message, warning, progress info, or fatal error in the GRASS way.
	    | g.mkfontcap  | Generates the font configuration file by scanning various directories for fonts
	    | g.mlist	   | Lists available GRASS data base files of the user-specified data type optionally using the search pattern.
	    | g.mremove    | Removes data base element files from the user's current mapset.
	    | g.parser	   | Provides automated parser, GUI, and help support for GRASS scipts.
	    | g.pnmcomp    | Overlays multiple PPM image files
	    | g.proj  | Converts co-ordinate system descriptions (i.e. projection information) between various formats (including GRASS format).
	    | g.region	   | Manages the boundary definitions for the geographic region.
	    | g.remove	   | Removes data base element files from the user's current mapset.
	    | g.rename	   | Renames data base element files in the user's current mapset.
	    | g.setproj    | Interactively reset the location's projection settings.
	    | g.tempfile   | Creates a temporary file and prints the file name.
	    | g.transform  | Computes a coordinate transformation based on the control points.
	    | g.version    | Displays version and copyright information.

       Full Index
       (C) 2003-2011 GRASS Development Team

GRASS 6.4.2															   general(1grass)

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imagery(1grass) 						Grass User's Manual						   imagery(1grass)

GRASS GIS 6.4.2 Reference Manual
       Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS, is a <a href="
       tion_system">Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps  produc-
       tion, spatial modeling, and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings around the world, as well as by many
       governmental agencies and environmental consulting companies.

       This reference manual details the use of modules distributed with Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS), an open source (GNU
       GPL'ed), image processing and geographic information system (GIS).  Go back to help overview
       imagery commands:
	    | i.atcorr	   | Performs atmospheric correction using the 6S algorithm.
	    | i.cca   | Canonical components analysis (cca) program for image processing.
	    | i.class	   | Generates spectral signatures for an image by allowing the user to outline regions of interest.
	    | i.cluster    | Generates spectral signatures for land cover types in an image using a clustering algorithm.
	    | i.fft   | Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for image processing.
	    | i.fusion.brovey	| Brovey transform to merge multispectral and high-res panchromatic channels
	    | i.gensig	   | Generates statistics for i.maxlik from raster map.
	    | i.gensigset  | Generates statistics for i.smap from raster map.
	    |	   | Creates, edits, and lists groups and subgroups of imagery files.
	    | i.his.rgb    | Transforms raster maps from HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space to RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space.
	    | i.ifft  | Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for image processing.
	    | i.image.mosaic	| Mosaics up to 4 images and extends colormap; creates map *.mosaic
	    |	| Import of SPOT VGT NDVI file into a raster map
	    | i.landsat.rgb	| Performs auto-balancing of colors for LANDSAT images.
	    | i.maxlik	   | Classifies the cell spectral reflectances in imagery data.
	    | i.oif   | Calculates Optimum-Index-Factor table for LANDSAT TM bands 1-5, & 7
	    |	| Menu driver for the photo imagery programs.
	    | i.pca   | Principal components analysis (PCA) for image processing.
	    |	| Interactively mark fiducial or reseau points on an image.
	    |	| Creates control points on an image to be ortho-rectified.
	    |	| Interactively select and modify the imagery group camera reference file.
	    |	| Interactively creates or modifies entries in a camera initial exposure station file for imagery group referenced
       by a sub-block.
	    |	| Orthorectifies an image by using the image to photo coordinate transformation matrix.
	    | i.points	   | Mark ground control points on image to be rectified.
	    | i.rectify    | Rectifies an image by computing a coordinate transformation for each pixel in the image based on the control points.
	    | i.rgb.his    | Transforms raster maps from RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space to HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space.
	    | i.smap  | Performs contextual image classification using sequential maximum a posteriori (SMAP) estimation.
	    | i.spectral   | Displays spectral response at user specified locations in group or images.
	    |	   | Targets an imagery group to a GRASS location and mapset.
	    | i.tasscap    | Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM data
	    | i.topo.corr  | Computes topographic correction of reflectance.
	    | i.vpoints    | Set registration points for an imagery group from a vector map or keyboard entry.
	    | i.zc    | Zero-crossing "edge detection" raster function for image processing.

       Full Index
       (C) 2003-2011 GRASS Development Team

GRASS 6.4.2															   imagery(1grass)
Man Page