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vbrfix(1) [debian man page]

VBRFIX(1)							   User Commands							 VBRFIX(1)

vbrfix - fix erroneous VBR MP3 files SYNOPSIS
vbrfix -flag1 -flag2 -flagn in.mp3 out.mp3 DESCRIPTION
In an average song there are points that require high quality and points that require low quality (i.e., silence). Instead of having the whole file at 160kbps (CBR - Constant Bit Rate), we can use VBR - Variable Bit rate. This allows us to have say 96Kbps at points not requiring high quality and 192kbps when we need it: resulting in an overall smaller but higher quality MP3. However, the problem is that many MP3 programs estimate the time of a MP3 based on the first bitrate they find and the filesize. With VBR you can get fairly random times; as most songs start with silence you usually get the song length being shown as much longer than it should be. Also when you jump through the file in VBR: 50% through the file is not 50% through the song. A VBR null frame is placed at the beginning of the file to tell the MP3 player information about the song length and indexing through the song. Some poor encoders don't produce this null frame or do so incorrectly - this is what vbrfix attempts to fix. Vbrfix can also fix other problems with MP3s as it deletes all non-MP3 content (other than tags you state you want to keep). It can also help when merging two VBR MP3s together with a merging tool and then needing a newly calculated VBR null frame. -ri1 removeId3v1 Tag -ri2 removeId3v2 Tag -skiplame if a tag was made by LAME don't fix it -always always write a new file even if not VBR -makevbr make it VBR (you need -always also) -log write a log file -lameinfo keep the lame info SEE ALSO
lame (1) VBRFIX Command Line Version May 2010 VBRFIX(1)

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MP3::Tag::File(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				       MP3::Tag::File(3pm)

MP3::Tag::File - Module for reading / writing files SYNOPSIS
my $mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename); ($title, $artist, $no, $album, $year) = $mp3->parse_filename(); see MP3::Tag DESCRIPTION
MP3::Tag::File is designed to be called from the MP3::Tag module. It offers possibilities to read/write data from files via read(), write(), truncate(), seek(), tell(), open(), close(); one can find the filename via the filename() method. parse_filename() ($title, $artist, $no, $album, $year) = $mp3->parse_filename($what, $filename); parse_filename() tries to extract information about artist, title, track number, album and year from the filename. (For backward compatibility it may be also called by deprecated name read_filename().) This is likely to fail for a lot of filenames, especially the album will be often wrongly guessed, as the name of the parent directory is taken as album name. $what and $filename are optional. $what maybe title, track, artist, album or year. If $what is defined parse_filename() will return only this element. If $filename is defined this filename will be used and not the real filename which was set by MP3::Tag with "MP3::Tag->new($filename)". Otherwise the actual filename is used (subject to configuration variable "decode_encoding_filename"). Following formats will be hopefully recognized: - album name/artist name - song name.mp3 - album_name/artist_name-song_name.mp3 - - album name/(artist name) song name.mp3 - album name/01. artist name - song name.mp3 - album name/artist name - 01 - If artist or title end in "(NUMBER)" with 4-digit NUMBER, it is considered the year. title() $title = $mp3->title($filename); Returns the title, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename(). (For backward compatibility, can be called by deprecated name song().) $filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined. artist() $artist = $mp3->artist($filename); Returns the artist name, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename() $filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined. track() $track = $mp3->track($filename); Returns the track number, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename() $filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined. year() $year = $mp3->year($filename); Returns the year, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename() $filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined. album() $album = $mp3->album($filename); Returns the album name, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename() The album name is guessed from the parent directory, so it is very likely to fail. $filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined. comment() $comment = $mp3->comment($filename); # Always undef genre() $genre = $mp3->genre($filename); # Always undef perl v5.14.2 2009-11-28 MP3::Tag::File(3pm)
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