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users-admin(1) [debian man page]

users-admin(1)						      General Commands Manual						    users-admin(1)

users-admin - Users Administration Tool SYNOPSIS
users-admin [OPTION...] DESCRIPTION
users-admin is part of the GNOME system tools, a set of tools to easily access and manage system configuration. users-admin allows you add, delete and modify the existing users and groups in your system. OPTIONS
users-admin accepts the standard GNOME and GTK options. AUTHORS
users-admin was written by Carlos Garnacho Parro <> and others. This manual page was written by Sven Arvidsson <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). SEE ALSO
services-admin(1), network-admin(1), time-admin(1), shares-admin(1), gtk-options(7), gnome-options(7) The online documentation available through the program's Help menu. GNOME
2007-05-08 users-admin(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

network-admin(1)					      General Commands Manual						  network-admin(1)

network-admin - Network Administration Tool SYNOPSIS
network-admin [OPTION...] DESCRIPTION
network-admin is part of the GNOME system tools, a set of tools to easily access and manage system configuration. network-admin allows you to specify the way your system connects to other computers and to the Internet. OPTIONS
--display=DISPLAY X display to use network-admin also accepts the standard GNOME and GTK options. AUTHORS
network-admin was written by Carlos Garnacho Parro <> and others. This manual page was written by Sven Arvidsson <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). SEE ALSO
services-admin(1), shares-admin(1), time-admin(1), users-admin(1), gtk-options(7), gnome-options(7) The online documentation available through the program's Help menu. GNOME
2007-05-08 network-admin(1)
Man Page

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