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undbx(1) [debian man page]

undbx(1)							       undbx								  undbx(1)

undbx - a tool to extract e-mails from Outlook Express .dbx files. SYNOPSIS
undbx is a tool to extract, recover and undelete e-mails messages from Outlook Express .dbx files. Email are extracted in individual .eml files. When a target directory is specified, undbx will extract e-mails from dbx files found in this directory. Instead of providing a target directory, the usr can provide a target dbx file. When no output directory is specified, undbx will extract emails in a subdirectory of the current directory. In normal mode (not recovery), a message is extracted only if there is no corresponding .eml file in the destination directory. On the other hand, if a .eml file exists in the destination directory and no corresponding mail is found in the .dbx file, the mail is con- sidered deleted and undbx will delete this .eml file. This way, undbx can be used as an synchronization backup tool for .dbx files. The file names of .eml files are composed by the From, To and Subjec: header fields. The modification time of each file is set to match the date specified in the Date field of the mail header. OPTIONS
--help Provides a short help message. --recover undbx attempt to recover e-mail messages from a corrupted .dbx file. In this mode fragments of messages are collected into .eml files. This may take a long time and some messages maybe corrupted. Also, all messages are extracted, not only the new ones. --version Shows the version string SEE ALSO
pffinfo(1) pffexport(1) munpack(1) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Christophe Monniez <> for the Debian system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL. February 23, 2011 undbx(1)

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READPST(1)						  libpst Utilities - Version 0.6						READPST(1)

readpst - convert PST (MS Outlook Personal Folders) files to mbox and other formats SYNOPSIS
readpst [-D] [-M] [-S] [-V] [-b] [-c format] [-d debug-file] [-e] [-h] [-j jobs] [-k] [-o output-directory] [-q] [-r] [-t output-type-codes] [-u] [-w] pstfile DESCRIPTION
readpst is a program that can read an Outlook PST (Personal Folders) file and convert it into an mbox file, a format suitable for KMail, a recursive mbox structure, or separate emails. OPTIONS
-D Include deleted items in the output. -M Output messages in MH (rfc822) format as separate files. This will create folders as named in the PST file, and will put each email together with any attachments into its own file. These files will be numbered from 1 to n with no leading zeros. This format has no from quoting. -S Output messages into separate files. This will create folders as named in the PST file, and will put each email in its own file. These files will be numbered from 1 to n with no leading zeros. Attachments will also be saved in the same folder as the email message. The attachments for message $m are saved as $m-$name where $name is (the original name of the attachment, or 'attach$n' if the attachment had no name), where $n is another sequential index with no leading zeros. This format has no from quoting. -V Show program version and exit. -b Do not save the attachments for the RTF format of the email body. -c format Set the Contact output mode. Use -cv for vcard format or -cl for an email list. -d debug-file Specify name of debug log file. The log file is now an ascii file, instead of the binary file used in previous versions. -e Same as the M option, but each output file will include an extension from (.eml, .ics, .vcf). This format has no from quoting. -h Show summary of options and exit. -j jobs Specifies the maximum number of parallel jobs. Specify 0 to suppress running parallel jobs. Folders may be processed in parallel. Output formats that place each mail message in a separate file (-M, -S, -e) may process the contents of individual folders in parallel. -k Changes the output format to KMail. This format uses mboxrd from quoting. -o output-directory Specifies the output directory. The directory must already exist, and is entered after the PST file is opened, but before any processing of files commences. -q Changes to silent mode. No feedback is printed to the screen, except for error messages. -r Changes the output format to Recursive. This will create folders as named in the PST file, and will put all emails in a file called "mbox" inside each folder. These files are then compatible with all mbox-compatible email clients. This format uses mboxrd from quoting. -t output-type-codes Specifies the item types that are processed. The argument is a sequence of single letters from (e,a,j,c) for (email, appointment, journal, contact) types. The default is to process all item types. -u Sets Thunderbird mode, a submode of recursive mode. This causes two extra .type and .size meta files to be created. This format uses mboxrd from quoting. -w Overwrite any previous output files. Beware: When used with the -S switch, this will remove all files from the target folder before writing. This is to keep the count of emails and attachments correct. FROM QUOTING
Output formats that place each mail message in a separate file (-M, -S, -e) don't do any from quoting. Output formats that place multiple email messages in a single file (-k, -r, -u) now use mboxrd from quoting rules. If none of those switches are specified, the default output format uses mboxrd from quoting rules, since it produces multiple email messages in a single file. Earlier versions used mboxo from quoting rules for all output formats. AUTHOR
This manual page was originally written by Dave Smith <>, and updated by Joe Nahmias <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). It was subsequently updated by Brad Hards <>, and converted to xml format by Carl Byington <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2002 by David Smith <>. XML version Copyright (C) 2008 by 510 Software Group <>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, please write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. VERSION
0.6.54 readpst 0.6.54 2011-05-27 READPST(1)
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