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uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance(1) [debian man page]

uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance(1)					   User Commands					  uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance(1)

uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance - Generate TX IQ Balance Calibration Table DESCRIPTION
The Universal Software Radio Peripheral Hardware Drivers handle calibration information. This application sets up Transmitter calibration for a daughterboard installed on the USRP. Because it also uses the receive side of the daughterboard, this application only handles trans- ceiver daughterboards. USRP Generate TX IQ Balance Calibration Table Allowed options: --help help message --verbose enable some verbose --args arg device address args [default = ""] --tx_wave_freq arg (=507123) Transmit wave frequency in Hz --tx_wave_ampl arg (=0.69999999999999996) Transmit wave amplitude in counts --rx_offset arg (=934400) RX LO offset from the TX LO in Hz --freq_start arg Frequency start in Hz (do not specify for default) --freq_stop arg Frequency stop in Hz (do not specify for default) --freq_step arg (=7300000) Step size for LO sweep in Hz --nsamps arg (=10000) Samples per data capture This application measures leakage between RX and TX on an XCVR daughterboard to self-calibrate. SEE ALSO
uhd_cal_rx_iq_balance(1) uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset(1) UHD
March 2012 uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance(1)

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uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset(1) 					   User Commands					   uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset(1)

uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset - Generate TX DC Offset Calibration Table DESCRIPTION
The Universal Software Radio Peripheral Hardware Drivers handle calibration information. This application sets up Transmitter calibration for a daughterboard installed on the USRP. Because it also uses the receive side of the daughterboard, this application only handles trans- ceiver daughterboards. USRP Generate TX DC Offset Calibration Table Allowed options: --help help message --verbose enable some verbose --args arg device address args [default = ""] --tx_wave_freq arg (=507123) Transmit wave frequency in Hz --tx_wave_ampl arg (=0.69999999999999996) Transmit wave amplitude in counts --rx_offset arg (=934400) RX LO offset from the TX LO in Hz --freq_start arg Frequency start in Hz (do not specify for default) --freq_stop arg Frequency stop in Hz (do not specify for default) --freq_step arg (=7300000) Step size for LO sweep in Hz --nsamps arg (=10000) Samples per data capture This application measures leakage between RX and TX on an XCVR daughterboard to self-calibrate. SEE ALSO
uhd_cal_rx_iq_balance(1) uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance(1) UHD
March 2012 uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset(1)
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