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slugimage(1) [debian man page]

SLUGIMAGE(1)						      General Commands Manual						      SLUGIMAGE(1)

slugimage - Manipulate NSLU2 firmware images SYNOPSIS
slugimage [-p|-u] [options] DESCRIPTION
slugimage can be used to create or unpack NSLU2 firmware images. OPTIONS
-d, --debug Turn on debugging output -q, --quiet Turn off status messages -u, --unpack Unpack a firmware image -p, --pack Pack a firmware image -l, --little Convert Kernel and Ramdisk to little-endian -i, --input Input firmware image filename -o, --output Output firmware image filename -b, --redboot Input/Output RedBoot filename -k, --kernel Input/Ouptut Kernel filename -s, --sysconf Input/Output SysConf filename -r, --ramdisk Input/Output Ramdisk filename(s) -f, --fisdir Input/Output FIS directory filename -y, --payload Input/Output Payload filename -t, --trailer Input/Output Trailer filename -e, --ethaddr Set the Ethernet address AUTHOR
This man page was written by Joey Hess, <>. SLUGIMAGE(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

GPIV_MKTESTIMG(1)					      General Commands Manual						 GPIV_MKTESTIMG(1)

gpiv_mktestimg - Generates a simplified image for image processing. SYNOPSIS
gpiv_mktestimg [-h | --help] [-p | --print] [-t N | --threshold N] [-w N] [-v | --version] [filename] < stdin > stdout DESCRIPTION
gpiv_mktestimg generates an image (pair) in order to be processed by the processing tools. This program is provided for developing and testing image processing tools. The parameters read from the configuration resources (containing the key GPIV_IMGPROC) may be overruled by the command line options, as explained below. Options -h | --help On-line help -t N | --threshold N Threshold value -v | --version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully. -w N window size (default: 15) filename Input image filename. Overrides stdin and stdout with the full filename of the image. Output will be written to filename.png. Param- eters are stored in filename.par and may be used for future use by including them in ./gpivrc. If stdin and stdout are used, the input is expected to be a PNG formatted image. SEE ALSO gpivtools AUTHOR
Gerber Van der Graaf 7 November 2006 GPIV_MKTESTIMG(1)
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