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rancid-run(1) [debian man page]

rancid-run(1)						      General Commands Manual						     rancid-run(1)

rancid-run - run rancid for each of the groups SYNOPSIS
rancid-run [-V] [-f rancid.conf] [-f rancid.conf] [-m mail_rcpt] [-r device_name] [group [group ...]] DESCRIPTION
rancid-run is a sh(1) script to run rancid(1) for a set of rancid group(s). rancid-run reads rancid.conf(5) to configure itself, then uses control_rancid(1) to run rancid(1) for each rancid group. The set of rancid groups can either be provided as command-line arguments or via the LIST_OF_GROUPS variable in rancid.conf(5), if the group argument is omitted. A lock file is maintained per-group to prevent simultaneous runs for a given group by rancid-run(1). The lock file will be named .<group>.run.lock and will be located in /var/lib/rancid. A log file is produced under $LOGDIR/logs for each rancid group processed. The file name will be <group>.YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS (year month day . hour minute second). rancid-run is normally used to run rancid from cron(8). For example: 0 * * * * /usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run The command-line options are as follows: -V Prints package name and version strings. -f rancid.conf Specify an alternate configuration file. -m mail_rcpt Specify the recipient of diff mail, which is normally rancid-<group>. The argument may be a single address, multiple comma separated addresses, or -m may be specified multiple times. -r device_name Run rancid for a single device, device_name. device_name should be name, as it appears in a group's router.db. The device must be marked "up". If a group is not specified on the command-line, rancid will be run against any group in which the device_name appears. The -r option alters the subject line of the diff mail. It will begin with <group name>/<device name> rather than just the group name alone. ENVIRONMENT
rancid-run utilizes the following environment variables from rancid.conf(5). BASEDIR Location of group directories, etc. This is set to the "localstatedir" by the configure script at installation time. LIST_OF_GROUPS List of rancid groups to collect. PATH Search path for utilities. TMPDIR Directory to hold temporary files. ERRORS
If rancid fails to run or collect a device's configuration, the particular group's log file (mentioned above) should be consulted. Any errors produced by the revision control system (CVS or Subversion) or any of the rancid scripts should be included there, whether they be a botched cvs tree, login authentication failure, rancid configuration error, etc. If the log file produces no clues, the next debugging step should be run the commands manually. For example, can the user who runs rancid login to the device with 'clogin hostname', and so on. FILES
$BASEDIR/etc/rancid.conf rancid-run configuration file. SEE ALSO
control_rancid(1), rancid.conf(5), router.db(5) 5 October 2006 rancid-run(1)

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CGEXEC(1)							 libcgroup Manual							 CGEXEC(1)

cgexec - run the task in given control groups SYNOPSIS
cgexec [-h] [-g <controllers>:<path>] [--sticky] command [arguments] DESCRIPTION
The cgexec program executes the task command with arguments arguments in the given control groups. -g <controllers>:<path> defines the control groups in which the task will be run. controllers is a list of controllers and path is the relative path to control groups in the given controllers list. This flag can be used multiple times to define multiple pairs of lists of controllers and relative paths. Instead of the list of all mounted controllers, the wildcard b"*b" can be used. If this option is not used, cgexec will automatically place the task in the right cgroup based on /etc/cgrules.conf. If /etc/cgrules.conf configuration file is used, there can be used template names. Then the control group name contains a template in destination tag (see cgrules.conf (5)) and if the cgroup does not exist in execution time, it is created, based on /etc/cgcon- fig.conf specification. If the specifications are not present the group is created with the default kernel values. -h, --help Display this help and exit. --sticky If running the task command with this option, the daemon of service cgred (cgrulesengd process) does not change both the task of the command and the child tasks. Without this option, the daemon does not change the task of the command but it changes the child tasks to the right cgroup based on /etc/cgrules.conf automatically. EXAMPLES
cgexec -g *:test1 ls runs command ls in control group test1 in all mounted controllers. cgexec -g cpu,memory:test1 ls -l runs command ls -l in control group test1 in controllers cpu and memory. cgexec -g cpu,memory:test1 -g swap:test2 ls -l runs command ls -l in control group test1 in controllers cpu and memory and control group test2 in controller swap. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
CGROUP_LOGLEVEL controls verbosity of the tool. Allowed values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or ERROR. FILES
/etc/cgrules.conf default libcgroup configuration file SEE ALSO
cgrules.conf (5) Linux 2009-03-15 CGEXEC(1)
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