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odt2txt.odt2txt(1) [debian man page]

ODT2TXT(1)							   User Commands							ODT2TXT(1)

odt2txt - a simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text SYNOPSIS
odt2txt is a command-line tool which extracts the text out of OpenDocument Texts, as produced by, KOffice, StarOffice and others. odt2txt can also extract text from some file formats similar to OpenDocument Text, such as XML (*.sxw), which was used by version 1.x and older StarOffice versions. To a lesser extend, odt2txt may be useful to extract content from OpenDocument spreadsheets (*.ods) and OpenDocument presentations (*.odp). The FILENAME argument is mandatory. OPTIONS
--width=WIDTH Wrap text lines after WIDTH characters. The default value is 65, which means that any words which would extend beyond column 65 are moved to a new line. If WIDTH is set to -1 then no lines will be broken --output=FILE Write output to FILE and not to standard output. --subst=SUBST Select which non-ascii characters shall be replaced by ascii look-a-likes. Valid values for SUBST are all, some and none. --subst=all Substitute all characters for which substitutions are known --subst=some Substitute all characters which the output charset does not contain This is the default --subst=none Substitute no characters --encoding=X Do not try to autodetect the terminal encoding, but convert the document to encoding X unconditionally To find out, which terminal encoding will be used in automatic mode, use --encoding=show --raw Print raw XML --version Show version and copyright information COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Dennis Stosberg <> Uses parts of the kunzip library, Copyright 2005,2006 by Michael Kohn This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation SEE ALSO
Homepage odt2txt 0.4 2008-06-23 ODT2TXT(1)

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ICONV(1)						     Linux Programmer's Manual							  ICONV(1)

iconv - character set conversion SYNOPSIS
iconv [OPTION...] [-f encoding] [-t encoding] [inputfile ...] iconv -l DESCRIPTION
The iconv program converts text from one encoding to another encoding. More precisely, it converts from the encoding given for the -f option to the encoding given for the -t option. Either of these encodings defaults to the encoding of the current locale. All the input- files are read and converted in turn; if no inputfile is given, the standard input is used. The converted text is printed to standard out- put. The encodings permitted are system dependent. For the libiconv implementation, they are listed in the iconv_open(3) manual page. Options controlling the input and output format: -f encoding, --from-code=encoding Specifies the encoding of the input. -t encoding, --to-code=encoding Specifies the encoding of the output. Options controlling conversion problems: -c When this option is given, characters that cannot be converted are silently discarded, instead of leading to a conversion error. --unicode-subst=formatstring When this option is given, Unicode characters that cannot be represented in the target encoding are replaced with a placeholder string that is constructed from the given formatstring, applied to the Unicode code point. The formatstring must be a format string in the same format as for the printf command or the printf() function, taking either no argument or exactly one unsigned integer argument. --byte-subst=formatstring When this option is given, bytes in the input that are not valid in the source encoding are replaced with a placeholder string that is constructed from the given formatstring, applied to the byte's value. The formatstring must be a format string in the same format as for the printf command or the printf() function, taking either no argument or exactly one unsigned integer argument. --widechar-subst=formatstring When this option is given, wide characters in the input that are not valid in the source encoding are replaced with a placeholder string that is constructed from the given formatstring, applied to the byte's value. The formatstring must be a format string in the same format as for the printf command or the printf() function, taking either no argument or exactly one unsigned integer argument. Options controlling error output: -s, --silent When this option is given, error messages about invalid or unconvertible characters are omitted, but the actual converted text is unaffected. The iconv -l or iconv --list command lists the names of the supported encodings, in a system dependent format. For the libiconv implementa- tion, the names are printed in upper case, separated by whitespace, and alias names of an encoding are listed on the same line as the encoding itself. EXAMPLES
iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 converts input from the old West-European encoding ISO-8859-1 to Unicode. iconv -f KOI8-R --byte-subst="<0x%x>" --unicode-subst="<U+%04X>" converts input from the old Russian encoding KOI8-R to the locale encoding, substituting an angle bracket notation with hexadecimal numbers for invalid bytes and for valid but unconvertible characters. iconv --list lists the supported encodings. SEE ALSO
iconv_open(3), locale(7) GNU
January 22, 2006 ICONV(1)
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