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jpeg2swf(1) [debian man page]

jpeg2swf(1)							     swftools							       jpeg2swf(1)

jpeg2swf - Converts jpeg images to SWF. Synopsis jpeg2swf [-options [value]] imagefiles[.jpg]|[.jpeg] [...] DESCRIPTION
This tool converts jpeg image files into an SWF animation. It takes any number of input pictures, and converts them to SWF one-by-one, where every converted picture is a separate frame in the target SWF. OPTIONS
-o, --output outputfile Explicitly specify output file. (Otherwise, output will go to stdout / output.swf) -q, --quality quality Set compression quality (1-100, 1=worst, 100=best). This option can be set independently for each image. -r, --rate framerate Set movie framerate (frames per second) -z, --zlib zlib Use Flash MX (SWF 6) Zlib encoding for the output. The resulting SWF will be smaller, but not playable in Flash Plugins of Version 5 and below. -M, --mx Use Flash MX H.263 compression (use for correlated images) -x, --xoffset offset horizontally offset images by offset -y, --yoffset offset vertically offset images by offset -X, --width width Force movie width to width (default: autodetect) -Y, --height height Force movie height to height (default: autodetect) -T, --flashversion version Set flash file version to version -v, --verbose level Set verbose level to level (0=quiet, 1=default, 2=debug) -V, --version Print version information and exit -f, --fit-to-movie Fit images to movie size -e, --export assetname Make importable as asset with assetname AUTHORS
Rainer Bohme <> Matthias Kramm jpeg2swf February 2012 jpeg2swf(1)

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.::SWF::VideoStream(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				  .::SWF::VideoStream(3pm)

SWF::VideoStream - SWF Video class SYNOPSIS
use SWF::VideoStream; $videostream = new SWF::VideoStream("test.flv"); DESCRIPTION
SWF::VideoStream is a helper class useful for playing videos via SWF applications, either via embedded video data, or controlled by ActionScript. METHODS
$videostream = new SWF::VideoStream($filename) Creates a SWF::VideoStream object. If the file can't be opened the constructor will return an empty object. The filename is not limited to 'flv' extension. $frames = $videostream->getNumFrames() This method returns the number of video-frames of an object of SWF::VideoStream, this works only for embedded streams. In case of error you will get result of -1. $videostream->setDimension(width, height) This method sets width and height for streamed videos, this works only on streamed videos (progressive download or rtmp). $bool = $videostream->hasAudio() A test whether the embedded FLV stream also has audio data. $videostream->setFrameMode($mode) If the mode == SWFVIDEOSTREAM_MODE_AUTO (default) on every SWF movie frame a video frame is added. In SWFVIDEOSTREAM_MODE_MANUAL mode, the user needs to call the nextFrame() method to change the video's frame. This works only with embedded video streams. Does return the previous mode or -1 if an invalid mode was passed. $result = $videostream->nextFrame() Switch to next video frame. Works only with embedded video streams. Returns -1 if an error happend. Here follows some demo code how to use SWF::VideoStream objects (without ActionScript): use SWF qw(:ALL); # to be lazy $movie = new SWF::Movie(); $movie->setRate( 25 ); # $movie->setRate( 5 ); # e.g. 5 for slow motion # here movie set background etc. etc. # $video=new SWF::VideoStream('MyTestVideo.flv'); die if (-1 == $v->getNumFrames()); # abort if something went wrong # $video->setFrameMode(SWF::Constants::SWFVIDEOSTREAM_MODE_MANUAL); $video->seek(1000, 0); # for example only $displayitem = $movie->add($video); # # 250 for a 10 seconds movie part (at rate of 25 per minute) for(my $n = 0; $n < 250; ++$n) { $video->nextFrame(); $movie->nextFrame(); } $movie->save("MyTestVideo.swf",9); # that's all, folks $result = $videostream->seek($frame, $whence) This functions allows seeking $frame in video stream, returning the old video frame position. As value of $whence use one of the following: 0 for seeking from beginning 1 for seeking from current position 2 for seeking from end of file AUTHOR
developers of ming SEE ALSO
SWF, SWF::Action, SWF::Movie, SWF::MovieClip, SWF::Sound, SWF::SoundStream, SWF::Constants perl v5.14.2 2011-10-26 .::SWF::VideoStream(3pm)
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