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hevea(1) [debian man page]

HEVEA(1)						      General Commands Manual							  HEVEA(1)

hevea - A fast LaTeX to HTML translator SYNOPSIS
hevea [options] <texfile> DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the hevea command. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the orig- inal program does not have a manual page. Using hevea it is possible to translate large documents written in LaTeX, such as manuals, books, etc., very quickly into HTML. All docu- ments are translated as one single HTML file. The output file can be cut into smaller files, using the companion program hacha. The Debian version of HeVeA differs from the original HeVeA distribution in that pictures are by default generated in the png format instead of gif. The original behavior can be regained by feeding the following option to hevea: gif.hva and then invoke imagen with the -gif option. OPTIONS
General Options -version Show hevea version and exit. -v Verbose flag, can be repeated to increase verbosity. -dv Add border around some of the block-level elements issued. Specifically, all DIV and P are bordered, while the structure of dis- played material is also shown. -s Suppress warnings. -I dirname Add dirname to the search path. -o name Make name the output basename. However, if name is base.html, then the output basename is base. -e filename Prevent hevea from loading any file whose name is filename. Note that this option applies to all files, including hevea.hva and base style files. -fix Iterate HeVeA until a fixpoint is found. Additionally, images get generated automatically. -O Optimize HTML by calling esponja. -exec prog Execute file prog and read the output. The file prog must have execution permission and is searched by following the searching rules of hevea. -francais Deprecated by babel support. This option issues a warning message. -help Print version number and a short help message. Options controlling the generation of HTML code -entities Render symbols by using entities. This is the default. -textsymbols Render symbols by English text. -moreentities Enable the output of some infrequent entities. Use this option to target browsers with wide entities support. -mathml Produces MathML output for equations, very experimental. -pedantic Be strict in interpreting HTMLdefinition. In particular, this option disable size and color changes inside <PRE>... </PRE>, which are otherwise performed. Options for alternative output formats -text Output plain text. Output file extension is .txt. -info Output info format. Output file extension is .info. -w width Set the line width for text or info output, defaults to 72. SEE ALSO
hacha(1), imagen(1), esponja(1). The HeVeA documentation can be found on the HeVeA home page On a Debian system it can also be accessed at /usr/share/doc/hevea-doc/html, provided the package hevea-doc (from the non-free section) is installed. AUTHOR
HeVeA is written by Luc Maranget <>. This manual page was compiled by Ralf Treinen <> and Georges Mariano <> from the HeVeA documen- tation for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). HEVEA(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

PDFTOHTML(1)						      General Commands Manual						      PDFTOHTML(1)

       pdftohtml - program to convert PDF files into HTML, XML and PNG images

       pdftohtml [options] <PDF-file> [<HTML-file> <XML-file>]

       This  manual  page documents briefly the pdftohtml command.  This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the
       original program does not have a manual page.

       pdftohtml is a program that converts PDF documents into HTML. It generates its output in the current working directory.

       A summary of options are included below.

       -h, -help
	      Show summary of options.

       -f <int>
	      first page to print

       -l <int>
	      last page to print

       -q     do not print any messages or errors

       -v     print copyright and version info

       -p     exchange .pdf links with .html

       -c     generate complex output

       -s     generate single HTML that includes all pages

       -i     ignore images

	      generate no frames. Not supported in complex output mode.

	      use standard output

       -zoom <fp>
	      zoom the PDF document (default 1.5)

       -xml   output for XML post-processing

       -enc <string>
	      output text encoding name

       -opw <string>
	      owner password (for encrypted files)

       -upw <string>
	      user password (for encrypted files)

	      force hidden text extraction

       -dev   output device name for Ghostscript (png16m, jpeg etc).  Unless this option is specified, Splash will be used

       -fmt   image file format for Splash output (png or jpg).  If complex is selected, but neither -fmt or -dev are specified, -fmt png will	be

	      do not merge paragraphs

       -nodrm override document DRM settings

       Pdftohtml was developed by Gueorgui Ovtcharov and Rainer Dorsch. It is based and benefits a lot from Derek Noonburg's xpdf package.

       This manual page was written by Soren Boll Overgaard <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

       pdffonts(1), pdfimages(1), pdfinfo(1), pdftocairo(1), pdftoppm(1), pdftops(1), pdftotext(1)

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