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gs_make(1) [debian man page]

gs_make(1)						       GNUstep System Manual							gs_make(1)

gs_make - wrapper for GNUstep Make. SYNOPSIS
gs_make [ make(1) options ] DESCRIPTION
gs_make is a very simple script which invokes make(1) with the environment variable $GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES set. It is useful for building GNUstep software without necessarily sourcing OPTIONS
gs_make accepts all options of make(1). BUGS
Avoid using gs_make in makefiles' recipes, because it invokes the plain make command instead of $(MAKE), which is the appropriate variable for communicating options to sub-makes. SEE ALSO
GNUstep(7), make(1). AUTHORS
gs_make was written by Hubert Chati <>. This man page was written by Yavor Doganov <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. GNUstep 08/08/2009 gs_make(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

gnustep-examples(1)					       GNUstep System Manual					       gnustep-examples(1)

gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications SYNOPSIS
[ example program ] DESCRIPTION
GNUstep Examples are a compilation of applications and tools to demonstrate and test the abilities of certain GNUstep classes. Some of them are useful enough on their own; others are included purely for testing purposes. Here is a short description of the programs in alphabetical order: Calculator Fully functional, but very simple calculator which supports only basic arithmetic functions. EdenMath(1) and Stepulator(1) are much more user-friendly and powerful. CurrencyConverter Simple currency converter. GSTest Tests for various GNUstep GUI classes, combined in one application. Ink A text editor that supports both plain text and RTF/RTFD. Usually the "standard" test application, especially for the NSDocument class. md5Digest This tool creates an md5 digest using the example filter based on what type of file is being accessed. NSBrowserTest Test application for the NSBrowser class. NSImageTest Test application for the NSImage class. NSPanelTest Test application for the NSPanel class. NSScreenTest Test application for the NSScreen class. Usually used to check the display's capabilities. OPTIONS
All programs do not accept any options except the standard GNUstep ones. md5Digest reads files from the standard input. SEE ALSO
The GNUstep Examples were written by various GNUstep developers. This manual page was added by Yavor Doganov <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 1997-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. GNUstep May 26, 2010 gnustep-examples(1)
Man Page

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