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gnugk(1) [debian man page]

GNUGK(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  GNUGK(1)

gnugk -- The GNU Gatekeeper SYNOPSIS
gnugk [-hdrt] [-c filename] [-s section] [-i IP] [-l n] [-b n] [-u name] [-d name] [-rr] [-o filename] [--pid filename] [--core n] DESCRIPTION
The GNU Gatekeeper is an open-source project that implements a H.323 gatekeeper. A H.323 gatekeeper controls all H.323 clients in its zone. It allows you, among other things, to register devices, make calls, perform AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Auditing), manage configu- rations at runtime and traverse NAT. OPTIONS
The behavior of the gatekeeper is determined through command line options and the configuration file. Some command line options may override settings found in the configuration file. For example, the option -l overrides the setting "TimeToLive" in the configuration file. Almost every option has a short and a long format, e.g., -c is the same as --config. -h --help Show all available options and quit the program. -c --config filename Specify the configuration file to use. -s --section section Specify which main section to use in the configuration file. The default is [Gatekeeper::Main]. -i --interface IP Specify the IP address that the gatekeeper listens to. You should leave out this option to let the gatekeeper automatically determine the IP it listens to, unless you want the gatekeeper to bind to a specified IP. -l --timetolive n Specify the time-to-live timer (in seconds) for endpoint registration. This overrides the setting "TimeToLive" in the configuration file. A detailed explanation can be found in the manual. -b --bandwidth n Specify the total bandwidth available for the gatekeeper. Without specifying this option, bandwidth management is disabled by default. --pid filename Specify the pid file. Only valid for Unix version. -u --user name Run the gatekeeper process as this user. Only valid for Unix versions. --core n (Unix only) Enable writing core dump files when the application crashes. A core dump file will not exceed n bytes in size. A special constant "unlimited" may also be specified. Gatekeeper Mode The options in this subsection override the settings in the [RoutedMode] section of the configuration file. -d --direct Use direct endpoint call signaling. -r --routed Use gatekeeper routed call signaling. -rr --h245routed Use gatekeeper routed call signaling and H.245 control channel. Debug Information -o --output filename Write trace log to the specified file. -t --trace Set trace verbosity. The more -t you add, the more verbose to output. For example, use -ttttt to set the trace level to 5. FILES
/etc/gatekeeper.ini AUTHORS
The project coordinator is Jan Willamowius <> SEE ALSO
gatekeeper.ini(5) (and HTML manual) (project homepage) (manual for latest release) (commercial support) BSD
August 7, 2011 BSD

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GLOBUS-PERSONAL-GA(1)						  GRAM5 Commands					     GLOBUS-PERSONAL-GA(1)

globus-personal-gatekeeper - Manage a user's personal gatekeeper daemon SYNOPSIS
globus-personal-gatekeeper [-help] [-usage] [-version] [-versions] [-list] [-directory CONTACT] globus-personal-gatekeeper [-debug] {-start} [-jmtype LRM] [-auditdir AUDIT_DIRECTORY] [-port PORT] [-log [=DIRECTORY]] [-seg] [-acctfile ACCOUNTING_FILE] globus-personal-gatekeeper [-killall] [-kill] DESCRIPTION
The globus-personal-gatekeeper command is a utility which manages a gatekeeper and job manager service for a single user. Depending on the command-line arguments it will operate in one of several modes. In the first set of arguments indicated in the synopsis, the program provides information about the globus-personal-gatekeeper command or about instances of the globus-personal-gatekeeper that are running currently. The second set of arguments indicated in the synopsis provide control over starting a new globus-personal-gatekeeper instance. The final set of arguments provide control for terminating one or more globus-personal-gatekeeper instances. The -start mode will create a new subdirectory of $HOME/.globus and write the configuration files needed to start a globus-gatekeeper daemon which will invoke the globus-job-manager service when new authenticated connections are made to its service port. The globus-personal-gatekeeper then exits, printing the contact string for the new gatekeeper prefixed by GRAM contact: to standard output. In addition to the arguments described above, any arguments described in globus-job-manager(8) can be appended to the command-line and will be added to the job manager configuration for the service started by the globus-gatekeeper. The new globus-gatekeeper will continue to run in the background until killed by invoking globus-personal-gatekeeper with the -kill or -killall argument. When killed, it will kill the globus-gatekeeper and globus-job-manager processes, remove state files and configuration data, and then exit. Jobs which are running when the personal gatekeeper is killed will continue to run, but their job directory will be destroyed so they may fail in the LRM. The full set of command-line options to globus-personal-gatekeeper consists of: -help, -usage Print command-line option summary and exit -version Print software version -versions Print software version including DiRT information -list Print a list of all currently running personal gatekeepers. These entries will be printed one per line. -directory CONTACT Print the configuration directory for the personal gatekeeper with the contact string CONTACT. -debug Print additional debugging information when starting a personal gatekeeper. This option is ignored in other modes. -start Start a new personal gatekeeper process. -jmtype LRM Use LRM as the local resource manager interface. If not provided when starting a personal gatekeeper, the job manager will use the default fork LRM. -auditdir AUDIT_DIRECTORY Write audit report files to AUDIT_DIRECTORY. If not provided, the job manager will not write any audit files. -port PORT Listen for gatekeeper TCP/IP connections on the port PORT. If not provided, the gatekeeper will let the operating system choose. -log[=DIRECTORY] Write job manager log files to DIRECTORY. If DIRECTORY is omitted, the default of $HOME will be used. If this option is not present, the job manager will not write any log files. -seg Try to use the SEG mechanism to receive job state change information, instead of polling for these. These require either the system administrator or the user to run an instance of the globus-job-manager-event-generator program for the LRM specified by the -jmtype option. -acctfile ACCOUNTING_FILE Write gatekeeper accounting entries to ACCOUNTING_FILE. If not provided, no accounting records are written. EXAMPLES
This example shows the output when starting a new personal gatekeeper which will schedule jobs via the lsf LRM, with debugging enabled. % globus-personal-gatekeeper -start -jmtype lsf verifying setup... done. GRAM contact: User This example shows the output when listing the current active personal gatekeepers. % globus-personal-gatekeeper -list User This example shows the output when querying the configuration directory for th eabove personal gatekeeper. gatekeepers. % globus-personal-gatekeeper -directory " User" /home/juser/.globus/ % globus-personal-gatekeeper -kill " User" killing gatekeeper: " User" SEE ALSO
globusrun(1), globus-job-manager(8), globus-gatekeeper(8) University of Chicago 03/29/2012 GLOBUS-PERSONAL-GA(1)
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