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glam2mask(1) [debian man page]

GLAM2MASK(1)							   glam2 Manual 						      GLAM2MASK(1)

glam2mask - masks a GLAM2 motif in sequences SYNOPSIS
glam2mask [options] my_motif.glam2 my_seqs.fa DESCRIPTION
glam2mask masks a glam2 motif out of sequences, so that weaker motifs can be found. Masking replaces residues aligned to key positions with the symbol 'x'. By alternately applying glam2 and glam2mask several times, it is possible to find the strongest, second-strongest, third-strongest, etc. motifs in a set of sequences. OPTIONS (DEFAULT SETTINGS) -o Output file (stdout). -x Mask character (x). SEE ALSO
glam2format(1), glam2(1), glam2-purge(1), glam2scan(1) The full Hypertext documentation of GLAM2 is available online at or on this computer in /usr/share/doc/glam2/. REFERENCE
If you use GLAM2, please cite: MC Frith, NFW Saunders, B Kobe, TL Bailey (2008) Discovering sequence motifs with arbitrary insertions and deletions, PLoS Computational Biology (in press). AUTHORS
Martin Frith Author of GLAM2. Timothy Bailey Author of GLAM2. Charles Plessy <> Formatted this manpage in DocBook XML for the Debian distribution. COPYRIGHT
The source code and the documentation of GLAM2 are released in the public domain. GLAM2 1056 05/19/2008 GLAM2MASK(1)

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BP_REVTRANS-MOTIF(1p)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     BP_REVTRANS-MOTIF(1p)

revtrans-motif - Reverse translate a Profam-like protein motif VERSION
Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS
From a file: -i motifs.txt Using pipes: < motifs.txt > output.txt Using interactively at the command prompt: $ MAAEEL[VIKP] 1. ATGGCNGCNGARGARYTNVHN [^P]H(IW){2,3} 2. NDNCAY(ATHTGG){2,3} DESCRIPTION
This script takes a protein motif as input and returns a degenerate oligonucleotide sequence corresponding to it. The main reason for doing this is to design degenerate primers that amplify a given sequence pattern. The input motif consists of a string of one-letter residues, with any of the following syntactic elements: [...] : Redundant position. A position in which more than one residue is allowed. Example: [TS]YW[RKSD] ^^ ^^^^ [^...] : Negated position. A position in which any residue is allowed, saved for those between brackets. Example: [^PW]MK[LAE] ^^ (...){n,m,...} : Repeated motif. A motif that is repeated n or m times. It can have any of the previous syntactic elements. Example: A[SN]C(TXX){2,4,8} ^^^ The allowed letters are those that correspond to the 20 natural aminoacids, plus: B = N + D Z = Q + E X = All OPTIONS
-i input-file: A file with a list of motifs to reverse translate. -h Display this help message. AUTHOR
Bruno Vecchi, "vecchi.b at" BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "vecchi.b at" COPYRIGHT &; LICENSE Copyright 2009 Bruno Vecchi, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-03-02 BP_REVTRANS-MOTIF(1p)
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